Best Places For A Sikh And Pakistani Wedding In Sydney

Posted by shaadicapture on February 1st, 2020

Staying away from your country is painful in any way and especially when it is your wedding and you are away from your place. I understand it is difficult for you to be in a place that does not have the flavor of your culture but heyy... I have a solution to your problem which can make you feel home away from home.

here I am listing best places for the Sikh and Pakistani wedding photography In Sydney:

1) Hyde Park: If you are having a city wedding what else can be best then the oldest parkland in Australia The Hyde Park. You can find lots of varieties in a single location it has a touch of nature, modernity, and tradition at the same time. If you are a Sikh or Pakistani you can find the greenery here like the typical Punjabi village. this is the best place

2) Royal Botanical Garden:  Royal Botanical Gardens is the oldest scientific institution in Australia and the historical botanical garden in the world. It is adjacent to the Sydney opera house and public parks in the location. this place has plenty of options available for beautiful photography you can choose this place without any doubt for your wedding day photography or your pre-wedding shoot.

3) University of Sydney: This is one of the top 10 most beautiful universities according to the British Daily Telegraph and The Huffington Post. If you want a catholic touch to your wedding then what place can be better then the university so Sydney. If you are planning to make your wedding photographs to be timeless, effortless and classic than you should definitely go for this option.

4) Observatory hill: It is a Sikh wedding in Sydney or a Pakistani wedding in Sydney hill can always heal you from the pain of staying away from your motherland on your most special day. you can opt for observatory hills if you want your wedding photographs to have the touch of nature. It is a pure mixture of nature and class because of the panoramic view of Sydney Harbour and the Harbour Bridge which you can click from this hill.

5) Bradley's head: If you are a Sikh who has spent a good time in Punjab then what is more delightful for you to have your wedding photoshoot near a river or lake. bradley's head is a beautiful place for the effortless wedding photography as it's beauty do not require any special things to make the photos more attractive. A beautiful footpath which takes you in the middle of the water is an add on.

6) Martin Place: If you want your photos to have a luxurious feel than what can be a better place then martin place. The archways here adds effortless luxury and class to this place and the garden gives the freedom to add a natural touch to your wedding photos if you want this affair to be grand and beautiful at the same time you should go for this option without any second thought.

So here is the list of good places which can make you feel like home in another country with the touch of affinity. comment down below and let me know which place you selected for your photoshoot.

also, you can contact to capture your best day in photos.

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