Can Belarusians Buy Real Estate in the United States?Posted by utown on February 1st, 2020 The United States handles the sale of real estate to Belarusians almost the same as sales to US citizens. The only issues come from regulations imposed by homeowners associations, condo associations, coops, or other types of community associations. These associations are often incorporated as a legal entity, that manages the particular building or neighborhood. Most associations are mandatory, meaning that simply by purchasing real estate within one of these communities, one is agreeing to be a member of the association and to obey all of its rules. Where Belarusians might have an issue is in some states associations are allowed to control who can buy property. Often done to prevent the association from having absentee owners against whom it is impossible to enforce the association's rules. This is not common, but it is still important to discuss this with your real estate agent prior to making a sale or purchase.
Can Belarusians get a mortgage to buy a house in USA?
Yes, Belarusians housing can get a mortgage (borrow to buy a property) in the United States. Many banks/lenders in the U.S. will give loans of up to 50% of the sales price to an international client. Some basic requirements might apply, such as having an existing account in the US with a balance over 0,000 and often require meeting applicants in person.
Do Belarusians have to pay a commission when buying a property?
The buyer pays no commissions. Buying Luxury Real Estate in USA stipulates that the seller pays their listing agent a commission of usually between 5% and 6% of the sales price. There is no set rule mandating how the commission should be split between the two agents (buyers agent/sellers agent), and the fee isn’t always divided evenly.
Do Belarusians pay any annual taxes on property owned in the US?
Real estate in the U.S. is subject to property taxes regardless of the owner's nationality. In financed transactions, annual property taxes is usually included in monthly mortgage payments. But buyers who purchase in cash must ensure that they pay any monthly or annual taxes. Property taxes vary from state to state, and even within states, but budget around 2% of the property value for your yearly taxes.
Requirements for Belarusians to Get an B1 or B2 Visa
Nonimmigrant Business Visa (B1)
Temporary employment visas are for persons who want to enter the United States for employment lasting a fixed period of time, and are not considered permanent or indefinite. Each of these visas requires the prospective employer to first file a petition with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). An approved petition is required to apply for a temporary employment visa.
See the Temporary Employment Visa Categories on to determine which visa category might be appropriate for your purpose of travel to the United States.
How to Apply – Labor Certification – Some temporary worker visa categories require your prospective employer to obtain a labor certification or other approval from the Department of Labor on your behalf before filing the Petition for a Nonimmigrant Worker, Form I-129, with USCIS. Your prospective employer should review the Instructions for Form I-129 on the USCIS website to determine whether labor certification is required for you.
Petition Approval – Some temporary worker categories are limited in total number of petitions which can be approved on a yearly basis. Before you can apply for a temporary worker visa at the U.S. Embassy in Belarus, a Petition for a Nonimmigrant Worker, Form I-129, must be filed on your behalf by a prospective employer and be approved by USCIS. For more information about the petition process, eligibility requirements by visa category, and numerical limits, if applicable, see Working in the U.S. and Temporary (Nonimmigrant) Workers on the USCIS website. Once the petition is approved, USCIS will send your prospective employer a Notice of Action, Form I-797.
Nonimmigrant Tourist Visa (B2)
Generally, a citizen of a foreign country who wishes to enter the United States must first obtain a visa, either a nonimmigrant visa for temporary stay, or an immigrant visa for permanent residence. Visitor visas are nonimmigrant visas for persons who want to enter the United States temporarily for business (visa category B-1), tourism, pleasure or visiting (visa category B-2), or a combination of both purposes (B-1/B-2).
Here are some examples of activities permitted with a visitor visa: tourism, vacation (holiday), visit with friends or relatives, medical treatment, participation in social events hosted by fraternal, social, or service organizations, participation by amateurs in musical, sports, or similar events or contests, if not being paid for participating, enrollment in a short recreational course of study, not for credit toward a degree (for example, a two-day cooking class while on vacation)
Travelers With Criminal Records Convictions for certain crimes may make you ineligible to travel to the U.S. The only way to know for sure if your criminal record makes you ineligible is to apply for a visa. Only a consular officer can determine your visa eligibility. You need to bring a copy of your Criminal History Report with you to the visa interview. Even if your conviction makes you ineligible to travel to the U.S., you may be able to obtain a temporary waiver of this ineligibility. You should discuss this with the consular officer at the time of the interview. Waiver processing can take 6 – 8 months, so if you think you may require a waiver, please apply early. We always recommend you do not make any financial commitments for travel until you have received a visa.
A special note about applicants with DRINK DRIVING convictions: According to USCBP applicants with a single DIC/DUI conviction is NOT grounds to deny entry into the U.S; however, multiple DIC/DUI convictions or a DIC/DUI conviction in combination with other misdemeanor offenses can make a person inadmissible and require a waiver prior to entering the United States.
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