Measuring conditions in the room with Data Logger

Posted by it104thc on February 3rd, 2020

Different experiments or surveys will be related to different things. Maybe you are interested in the thermal performance of buildings in general and not just the room occupied by the subject. Roaf (1993 or thesis) found that different rooms in buildings in Persia Plateau have very different thermal characteristics, and the strategy of building occupants in moving from room to room at different times throughout the day is largely determined by the thermal profile of each room concerned. In such buildings, the thermal performance of different rooms will be of particular concern.

Other experiments might try to connect the temperature in the space occupied by computer predictions and connect it with the occupant's thermal response. You must be clear about the true meaning of `room temperature 'used by the particular thermal model that you are using. The temperature that humans answer in still air is about halfway between the temperature of radiation and air, the room responds differently, and the `characteristics of room temperature 'can reflect this. The problem is discussed by Humphreys (1974) with respect to `ambient temperature 'which is used for calculations using the reception method. Also make sure about the definition used by the program for radiation, or surface temperature - are the walls assumed to be all at the same temperature, is a particular surface considered isothermal? All of these factors need to be considered when deciding what measurements you need to take.

Measuring thermal conditions in a room is a problem where a lot of literature has been written. Because we are not too concerned with the overall condition of the room but with things that are appropriate to the subject, we will concentrate on showing ways to avoid the larger mistakes that can occur.

The first problem is identifying `climate room characteristics'. The climate personality of the room will depend to some extent on the nature of the space and the materials and construction of buildings. So closed rooms will generally have roughly the same air and radiation temperatures, some buildings such as Malay houses (fig 7.1) depend on air movement and buildings in hot dry climates such as Baghdadi's house shown in fig 1.1 may depend on relatively cold temperatures. surface of the room to remain habitable. We can try to measure the character of the room in two ways: by measuring the climate at a point in the middle of the room using a cluster instrument, and also measuring the temperature at a number of points distributed around the room.

Air temperature
Air temperature The air temperature in a room can vary greatly from one place to another. In particular it can be marked vertical coating of air temperature in a room. Humphreys found that the temperature measured near the ceiling level in school classrooms with hot air heaters can be as high as 10K from the temperature experienced by children sitting on the floor. Obviously if we are interested in the conditions experienced by the occupants of a room, the vertical height at which sensors are placed must represent the experience of the occupants.

It is also important to avoid placing your sensor above or downwind which can occur near heated or cooled surfaces (unless the occupants are also exposed). Your qualitative investigation of the pattern of air in the room should help, but in general the temperature of the air should not be measured less than half a meter from any wall.

The results of the image to measure room temperature

Air temperature must be measured in a number of places on a horizontal plane with a vertical height of about 0.6 m above the floor - representing the height of the seat (different jobs may mean different values ​​accordingly). One of these points must be in the middle of the room. The choice of the right horizontal distribution will be left to the evaluation of the experimental team taking into account the geometry and layout of the room, etc.

Surface Temperature

The problem of finding the radiation temperature has been discussed. Unless there is a specific reason for knowing the temperature of the radiation, it is best to use the temperature of the globe to represent the temperature of the room. Again it is important to use consideration in positioning the instrument so that it represents the type of place residents might use. If a large room or conditions in it varies from place to place, more than one instrument may be needed. If you are interested in radiation temperatures, the globe thermometer must be accompanied by an air thermometer and anemometer and the measurements must be accurate. Measures such as luminous asymmetry are outside the scope of this handbook. Those who are interested should refer to McIntyre (1980).


Water vapor pressure varies slightly from place to place in most rooms. Extremely humid kitchens or basements with scattered ventilation may be an exception, but in most adequately ventilated rooms, a single measurement will cover the entire space.

Air velocity As we said above, start by visualizing normal air currents in the room using smoke puffer or other visualization techniques. This will give you directions to places where you can put the anemometer - remember that the air movements that the occupants will encounter are important. The number and distribution of your anemometer will depend on how important this size is for your study.

Measuring outdoor conditions

We are interested in linking thermal preferences to the climate in which subjects live, and not only to the conditions of the room where they meet. On the one hand, their climate is determined by meteorological data collected at the local weather station. After all, only these readings will we have to determine the recommended temperature to recommend. However, it is important to investigate the microclimate around our test site, if we only compare it to readings at local weather stations and decide how unique our site is from official climate data. Measuring outside air temperature and wind speed and direction are the most important if possible by measuring solar radiation to the horizontal. The intensity of the sun to the walls of the building will obviously be useful where the thermal modeling of the building is considered. The exact method for carrying out meteorological measurements and instrument placement is beyond the scope of this book, but it is possible to obtain automatic data recording equipment to do the job.

Lack of temperature variation

One problem found by many researchers with comfort surveys is that the temperature is often very little varies in several rooms for one week or two weeks. This could be due to bad weather or the design of the building you are using. This is very common in winter time surveys in heated buildings - heating systems, however, are designed to reduce temperature variations. But even in buildings that run free the temperature variations can be small.

Nicol found at the headquarters of Prudential Assurance in Holborn, London, which was very monumental, that temperature variations were difficult to measure - even in the summer. The problem with getting a small temperature range is that it becomes difficult to carry out data analysis using techniques that assume variation (see section 8 below). We end up with the subjective subjective response to a set of conditions. The temptation, of course, is to 'change' the controls to provide some temperature variations. Experiments are tempted to turn on the heater or open the window just to get some variation.

But this is contrary to the spirit of the model and can only produce the effects of unexpected temperature variations that we criticize in climate space experiments. Indeed supporters of the climate space approach cite the problem of lack of control over temperature variations as the main criticism of the field survey. Temperature range problems are another good reason to expand your survey to home as well as working conditions. In addition to allowing you to follow the entire thermal experience of the subject, the information contained in your analysis will be improved with increasing range of conditions. Sharma and Ali (1986) did not set out to make specific statements about the adaptive model so there was no specific reason to follow the experiences of their subjects but they specifically mentioned the need for a wide temperature range as one of the reasons for extending their studies outside working hours.

Alat Pengukur Suhu Ruangan

Temperature/Relative Humidity 3.5% Data Logger - HOBO - UX100-003

HOBO UX100-003 Temperatur / Data Kelembaban Relatif mencatat suhu dan kelembaban relatif (dalam akurasi 3,5%) di lingkungan dalam ruangan dengan sensor terpadu. Data logger sangat ideal untuk memantau kenyamanan penghuni di gedung perkantoran, mengikuti kondisi penyimpanan makanan di gudang, tren suhu penebangan di ruang server, dan mengukur tingkat kelembaban di museum.

Di lingkungan manakah logger data ini beroperasi?
Data logger ini beroperasi di lingkungan dalam ruangan.

Pengukuran apa yang dilakukan oleh data logger ini?
Data logger UX100-003 mendukung pengukuran berikut: Kelembaban dan Suhu Relatif

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Joined: February 3rd, 2020
Articles Posted: 1