Email Marketing Tools

Posted by Vani Girhotra on February 4th, 2020

Hey Folks,

Today I am here to discuss with you a very popular tool of Online Marketing i.e. Email Marketing. In this blog, we will cover what is email marketing, its benefits, and tools. So, let's get started by understanding what exactly is Email Marketing. 

Email Marketing, if done and targeted rightly, is one of the most effective and economical ways of doing Online Marketing. It has always been considered as an important method for reaching out to prospective and existing clients. Email Marketing provides a great opportunity to speak to the clients just by dropping an email to their inboxes, which they can access as per their convenient timings. A recent study claims that approximately 5.59 billion people are using their email accounts actively. Now let us first understand what exactly is email marketing.

What is Email Marketing? 

Email marketing is a type of online marketing that is done by using electronic mail as a means of communicating commercial messages to an audience. In simple terms, every email sent to a potential or current customer can be called email marketing.

Benefits of Email Marketing:

  • Cost – Email marketing is undoubtedly cost-effective. Even if you do it yourself, or hire an email marketing agency, emailing to hundreds of consumers via email is going to cost you nothing in comparison to other channels of advertising.  

  • Success – Emails can be customized and sent by keeping in mind the targeted audience. This helps in targeting the right audience for the right product at the right time. Thus, this helps in saving a lot of time and effort, making it one of the most cost-effective ways of doing online marketing.

  • Analysis and Flexibility – With the help of various analytics tools available today,  it’s easy to track the success of every email campaign, in order to check which part of the campaign is working and which is not. With this information,  one can then make the required alterations instantly to the campaign strategy.  

Tools for Email Marketing:

  1. Mailchimp: Mailchimp is the most commonly used tool for Email Marketing. It began as a paid service and added a freemium option in 2009. It is very user-friendly and provides tools for designing marketing emails, welcome emails, and newsletters in the easiest way. It also offers a detailed analysis of the emailing activities.

  2. Constant Contact: Constant Contact is an economical and easy to use tool for email marketing. It has all the basic features that a user requires for running a successful email marketing campaign. 

  3. Tiny Letter: Tiny letter is a free and very simple tool that is used for email marketing. It is essentially used for sending periodic Newsletters to the subscribers. It provided a detailed analysis of the efficiency of Newsletters that are emailed to the subscribers.  It offers unlimited emailing. 

  4. Get Response: Get Response offers much more than email marketing. Apart from being an effective email marketing tool, it also gives an option to create a landing page and conduct a webinar. This is a paid tool and used majorly by big business houses. 

  5. Drip: Drip is a very user-friendly and intelligent marketing tool for doing email marketing. This is majorly used by bloggers, e-commerce business owners, and marketers. Drip offers many helpful tools that can be of benefit for e-commerce business. 

I hope this blog will be of significant help to you. If you too want to learn more about Digital Marketing, then join our CTCDC community, the best digital marketing institute in Delhi 

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Vani Girhotra

About the Author

Vani Girhotra
Joined: February 4th, 2020
Articles Posted: 1