The Right Travel Insurance Could Greatly Lessen Your Stress On Those Autumn Trip

Posted by Liz Seyi on February 5th, 2020

The arrival of the autumn and winter months might not lead you to do quite as much travelling as you were doing at the height of the summer – or perhaps it’ll prompt you to make even more trips, now that the weather’s a little cooler and hospitable?

Whatever your own travel plans may be this season, you shouldn’t underestimate the potentially crucial role of the right Expat Travel Insurance In Spain, Portugal or Gibraltar.

In fact, we can offer two types of travel insurance here at Ibex Insurance Services. One can be provided via Voyager Plus for Gibraltar, UK, EU and EEA residents travelling anywhere, while the other one comes via GlobalVoyager, and is for global citizens living in and travelling to or from anywhere worldwide.

That means you can be protected even while living and/or travelling in such parts of the world as the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Greece, Turkey, Morocco, or elsewhere around the globe.

How can you be sure of choosing the policy you need?

Travel insurance is an investment that it’s easy to think you don’t really need to make, especially for shorter and less ambitious trips.

However, it’s also one that you will be very thankful for having made if the worst does happen – for example, if illness or injury strikes for a member of your travelling party necessitating the cancellation or curtailment of your trip, or if your baggage is lost or delayed. Other possible risks include your cash or important documents being lost or stolen, or serious delays to your outward or return journey.

It’s therefore imperative that if you are in the market for expat travel insurance in Spain, Portugal or Gibraltar, you carefully consider what policy you will need to put together to ensure you are genuinely covered at every stage of your trip. Will your cover also be valid in every country that you visit, and will every member of your party be covered? What about any sports or other activities you intend to participate in while away – will you be covered for those as well?

Don’t hesitate to contact the experts in this type of cover

Of course, if you really are unsure about any aspect of the expat travel insurance in Spain, Portugal or Gibraltar that you would like to purchase, you don’t have to ‘wing it’.

We offer a ‘call me back’ contact option for everyone considering such cover – so make sure you take advantage of it to ensure every vital detail is catered for in the policy that you buy. Then, you will be able to focus squarely on all of the excitement of your travel plans!

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Liz Seyi

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Liz Seyi
Joined: August 13th, 2019
Articles Posted: 1,642

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