A Complete List Of Web Development Tools That Are Required For Web Developers

Posted by Kenneth Walley on February 6th, 2020

Web development is experiencing new technological advancements in constant time intervals. Web developers are brushing up their skills with a plethora of tools available across the web. These tools allow experts to implement their knowledge more productively. Many people consider hiring a web development service to not to get indulged in the tedious world of coding. But, tools help you to ease your web development process, at the same time, improves your website performance. This, in turn, is a benefit for your customers who would get an excellent web experience.

Here is a comprehensive list of such tools.

Editors for Code and Text

Code and text editors form the base of efficient and productive coding. Some of the robust editors that web developers must use are:

  •  Sublime Text - It is one of the most popular text editors that is cross-platform. It is adaptive to several commands, and navigation is also handy. You can use it on Linux, Windows, or MacOS.  
  •  Notepad ++ - Notepad++ runs only on Windows but provides support for 27 programming languages, synchronization between edits and views, regular expressions, syntax highlighting, etc.
  •  Visual Code Studio - Microsoft developed a powerful code editor that works on Linux, MacOS, and Windows. It offers developers embedded Git Control and GitHub, intelligent code completion, debugging, code refactoring, etc.

Frameworks for Web applications

Frameworks provide a streamlined website development process. Most used ones are:

  •  Django - It offers a rapid development environment for developers. Quality web development services ensure they are using an organized and secure platform like Django for designing active websites.
  •  Ruby on Rails - It is a framework that stands over the top of Ruby language. It works on two principles: Don't repeat yourself and convention over configuration.
  •  ASP.NET - ASP.NET supports C# and .NET to build web applications. It is an open-source framework.
  •  Web developers for hire use frameworks like ReactJS, Angular, Meteor JS, etc.

Frameworks for Front-end

These frameworks allow you to go beyond the set limits and develop exceptional websites.

  •  Bootstrap - It is an amalgamation of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript irrespective of size and complexity. You can find expert web developers to hire who use Bootstrap as their front-end framework.
  •  Semantic-UI - Mainly used for designing attractive themes introducing the concept of buttons, dropdowns, and modals.
  •  Foundation - A device friendly framework that allows you to create responsive apps, websites, and emails. It offers you another benefit of using web development services.

JavaScript Libraries

You would never find a web developer for hire who has not worked with Javascript and the libraries mentioned below:

  •  React - Helps in creating user interfaces
  •  jQuery - Javascript library that makes HTML handling easy
  •  jQuery UI - Widgets, themes, interactions, and effects for user interfaces
  •  jQuery Mobile - Used for designing responsive web applications
  •  Moment.js - Performing parsing, validating, manipulating, and displaying rates in JavaScript
  •  Lodash - A library for better performance, modularity, functionality.
  •  Underscore.js - Provides built-in objects

If you are looking to hire expert web developers for your website, make sure that they are familiar with these libraries.

Task Runners

Most of the businesses seek web development services for the ease of their work and getting tasks done without actually doing anything. Task runners are tools that allow skilled web developers to serve this purpose. They can automate some of their processes and focus on the next task in the queue. Some of the commonly used task managers include Grunt and Gulp that provide automation for complex tasks.

Package Managers

Companies that hire web developers make sure they incorporate smart working in their strategy. Package managers enable web developers to do the same. They can automate tasks like upgrading, installation, configuration, program removal, etc. Popular ones are:

  •  Yarn - Caching packages for downloads
  •  NPM - For JavaScript runtime environment, NodeJS
  •  Bower - Controlling CSS, JavaScript, Fonts, HTML, images, and Files.

Programming Languages

 A web development service stands out because of its programming skills. Programming languages form the backbone of all the web development tools. These languages play a vital role in enhancing the performance of your website. Hire a web developer who has hands-on experience in these languages.

  •  PHP - Scripting Language
  •  HTML 5 - Mark-up Language
  •  Python - Faster development
  •  Ruby - simple and productive work
  •   CSS3 - Front-end for apps and sites
  •  SQL - Structured query language for relational database.
  •  JavaScript - Effective web and HTML programming
  •  NodeJS - Event-driven and server-side


With a web development service provider, your information is up-to-date and free from any inconsistencies. The various types of database management tools available allow them to do so. Such tools are efficient in updating, retrieving, and managing your information.

  •  MariaDB - Developed by MySQL developers, it is an open-source relational database server.
  •  MongoDB - If you are hiring web developers for modern applications, they must be working with MongoDB, also built for the cloud-era.
  •  MySQL - It is also an open-source database providing the ease of development to the coders.
  •  PostgreSQL - It is an object-related model that mainly focuses on performance, robustness, and reliability.


Creative icons showcase the dynamic behavior of a website. If you choose to Hire a web Developer or web development service provider, you can leverage exceptional creativity for your website. They are experts at using icon tools to design engaging icons for your website. Icons give a glimpse of what you are trying to convey with your content. It is, therefore, essential that you have a collection of meaningful and attractive icons on your website. The tools that improve the process are:

  •  Font Awesome - Vector icons for scalability
  •  IconMaster - For high quality
  •  Icons8 - For customization

For companies that need web developers for hire, these tools must be a part of their development process. They not only speed up the workflow but also make it easier to perform complex functions.

Although web development tools are not only for expert web developers, you can also use them if you are not miles away from coding. But, if you hire a web developer or seek guidance from a web development service such as F5 Buddy, your web projects will be much better than what you expect. Give us a call, let us know your budget, and you will know how much potential your website has.  

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Kenneth Walley

About the Author

Kenneth Walley
Joined: February 6th, 2020
Articles Posted: 1