30 Metrics Every Small Business Should Care About

Posted by Business Automatorbi on February 7th, 2020

Are you keeping track of everything that you should be about your business? Have you been paying attention to the important things that are actually helping (or hurting) your bottom line? Well, we’re going to talk about a total of 30 different things that you should know about your business at any given moment.
Monthly Visitors
First, you want to know exactly how many people are coming to your website in any given month. Specifically, you want to know how many unique visitors you have. If you have a huge fan that shows up every day and you only track monthly visitors but not unique visitors you’re going to see that person show up as 30 visits This makes it look like you have more people coming to your page than you actually do.

Click Through on Emails
The only way you’re going to make any money off someone is if they actually come to your website, not just if they read your email. That means you need to keep track of how many people are receiving your emails and how many of those people click on something in the email that leads them to a page on your website. Most email automation software will keep track of these numbers for you.

Organic vs. Paid Traffic ROI
You’re going to get some people coming to your website simply because they found you by performing a search for your type of business. You’re also going to have people who find you because you paid for some type of advertising that they saw. You want to know just how well you’re doing in each of these regions. Get an accurate record of how many people are finding you through each method of advertising or organic search.
mail Signups
How many people are signing up for your emails or newsletter? Getting someone to give you their email address is extremely important. You want to know how well you’re marketing to people to get them to do just that. Tracking the number of people who are already signing up with you is going to give you a head start by letting you know what type of offers or calls to action are actually leading people to fill in their email.

Customer Acquisition Cost
How much do you have to spend in order to get a new customer? You want to keep your acquisition cost as low as you can. The best way to calculate this is to look at your total number of sales in the month and then look at the amount of money that you spent on marketing in that month. You would divide the sales by the money spent marketing and get your acquisition cost.

Conversion Rate
How many of the people that come to your website are actually converting into customers? Now, maybe you don’t actually have a product to sell but you’re working on growing an email list or maybe you’re just offering a free item at this point. You still want to keep track of how many people show up on your website and then how many take the type of action that you want them to.

Average Revenue Per Account
With this number you’re going to take an average of the amount that each customer is spending in your business in a given month. All you need to do is take the total amount of sales that you had in the month and divide it by the total number of customers you had in the month. This will give you an average of what each person spent.

Churn Rate
If you have churn in your business it means that people are leaving. Now, every business is going to have a churn rate. The key is to get this rate as low as possible. You get to decide at what point you consider someone to be gone or not coming back. Is it after they’ve been gone for a month? Two months? Some other length of time? You want to keep track of how many people you’re bringing in any given month and how many people you’re losing in the same period as a percentage.

Customer Retention Rate
How many people are buying a product regularly? What type of product are they buying. If it’s something they would need every month are they buying every month? How many people are making a purchase on a consistent basis? You can keep track of these numbers without sales too. You can track things like newsletter signups. How many people continue to receive your emails? How many continue to open them?

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Business Automatorbi

About the Author

Business Automatorbi
Joined: February 7th, 2020
Articles Posted: 3

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