Love Doll Pricing Guide – How Much Do Love Dolls Cost?

Posted by Rose on February 10th, 2020

One of the first shocking factors when someone first discovers the space for a sex love doll is the full-size love doll price tag. For first time buyers, the price of Love Dolls from various vendors ranges from $ 100,000 to more than $ 500,000. This can be a bit confusing when even a $ 100,000 doll looks really good in photos. How do I know I'm making the right choice? You want a good doll but you don't want to overpay, what is a good price for a love doll?

This article will answer all the questions about Love Doll pricing so you can confidently choose the best Love Doll for your budget.

Rules of the Rule: In general, you get what you pay for
This is a safe general guideline when purchasing a Lori Love Doll. If you want a full-fledged love doll from a trusted maker, you need to pay at least 200,000 yen. Luxury brands are higher, but this is mainly due to the cost of materials and labor to make love dolls. How to make a love doll is very important. The better you make, the better the condition.

Beware of fraud price
If it looks too good and true, it probably is. The reality is expensive to make high quality and real love dolls. Vendors or websites that appear to offer much lower prices than other vendors should be carefully investigated before submitting credit card information. Unfortunately, it is common for poor quality manufacturers to steal or copy designs from well-known brands. Then they sell Love Dolls with the same product pictures and much lower prices. This general trick will make your customers think they're getting a lot, but when the love doll arrives, it's made of cheap materials and doesn't exactly match the advertised photo Hmm.

Standard Love Doll Price Range
The most popular TPE love doll maker sells love dolls for about 120,000 to 250,000 yen. At this price you will get the highest quality TPE love dolls from the most reputed and reputed love doll manufacturers. Love Dolls usually last 2 to 4 years with proper care. The main differences in price in this range are the height and size of the love doll, and the popularity of the design. Tall and heavy love dolls with large breasts and hips are heading towards the upper end of the 25 toy range to use more material. The very popular and in-demand love doll models also cost slightly higher.

To save a discount Love Doll, we recommend that you subscribe to your favorite retailer's mailing list. Then, when your favorite love doll is released, it will be updated and you can get it.

Affordable love doll
There are love doll brands that are more affordable than others. This is mainly due to the choice of the manufacturer. They work with the TPE Love Doll Maker, which is at a lower price point. If you want to buy a love doll on the cheap side, you can find a retailer that sells mini dolls and cheap doll brands such as DOLL4EVER and PIPER dolls.

If you don't mind your budget, you can choose one of the more expensive luxury love dolls. Luxury love doll brands like Real Doll and Silicon Love Doll have dolls for the rich who want to get the best love doll for money. These dolls run you anywhere from 200,000 to 500,000 yen. Their dolls are more realistic and better made, and their customer service becomes more extensive. They usually help with repair and maintenance free of charge throughout the life of the doll.

Silicone lab dolls are less common than TPE lab dolls, but some shoppers prefer more durable silicone materials. The trade-off is that it feels a little soft to the touch. Since silicone is a more expensive material than TPE, on average, you should expect to pay around $ 200,000 for a standard silicone lab doll.

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