General Skin Care Tips for People with Sensitive Skin

Posted by ShiKai on February 13th, 2020

“Sensitive skin” is a broad category that includes a wide variety of different things. Some people have excessively oily skin, while others suffer from dry skin. Sensitive skin is typically rated on a scale, and you can only really know your skin type by speaking with a dermatologist. We’re all different, so it’s important to understand your skin type so that you can take proactive steps to avoid certain products or make specific lifestyle changes to help your skin. Regardless, there are still some general tips that most can follow and expect to see positive effects.

Minimize Your Products Where Possible—but Keep the Essentials

Determining the optimal number of products that you use can be a delicate balance. With sensitive skin, you don’t want to put layers and layers of products on, but there are also essentials you can’t skimp on. As an easy fix, you should find products that provide numerous benefits rather than one-trick ponies, so that you’re using less product but still covering all of your bases.

One thing you definitely don’t want to skimp on is moisturizer. It’s best to use one that is gentle with botanical ingredients that absorb fast without leaving you feeling greasy. The best moisturizers will strengthen and repair your skin’s barrier and lock in hydration to prevent any irritation.

Keep Your Showers Lukewarm & Quick

Who doesn’t love a long, hot shower or bath? It can be one of the most relaxing ways to start your morning or end your day, but, unfortunately, this can really dry your skin out, which can lead to a host of skin issues. Although it can be especially hard in the colder months, you should aim to keep your showers more on the lukewarm side of things. Combine that with a shower gel and hair conditioner with nourishing ingredients like borage oil, and your skin will feel loads better.

Lifestyle Factors

Along with the products you use, the foods you eat can play an important role in your skin health, look, and feel. The most important thing to remember is to get your daily dose of essentials vitamins through supplements or whole foods.

In addition, stress can play a factor in skin health. This can lead to an interesting conundrum where you have a skin irritation occur or flare up, so you stress about it, which sometimes leads to it staying put or getting worse. It’s important to have healthy stress management activities and practices in life to help you handle your daily stress as best you can to keep your skin happy and stress-free.

Use More Botanical Formulas

People have been using natural ingredients for generations for a variety of reasons. Somewhere along the way, companies started creating synthetic ingredients and loading their products up with them to cut costs, improve shelf life, and produce more products. The thing is, nature is still the best source, and the best companies will use botanical ingredients in their products to great effect.

For example, companies like ShiKai have been using botanical ingredients since 1970—and still do to this day. They study these ingredients extensively and leverage their benefits in combination with others, such as in their CBD lotion and other products. With botanical ingredients, you’re limiting your skin’s exposure to synthetic ingredients, which could be the cause of your flareups, dryness, and other skin irritation factors.

About ShiKai

Since 1970, ShiKai has researched and formulated botanical ingredients for effective skin and hair care products. Founded by Dr. Dennis Sepp, an organic chemist, ShiKai is still family-owned and operated to this day, with their manufacturing plant and some offices based in Santa Rosa, California. ShiKai is always innovating, researching their ingredients, and formulating them with other botanicals for maximum benefits. They offer a variety of skin and hair care products on their site, including moisturizing shower gel, CBD cream, borage oil lotion, and more.

Shop ShiKai’s selection of botanical skin and hair care products at

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Joined: January 27th, 2020
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