How To Burping A Baby

Posted by bash on February 19th, 2020

Have you ever wondered why burping a baby is important? And why do you need to burp a baby? If your answer is yes, then keep reading this blog.

The most important part after feeding a baby is burping as burping helps in getting rid of the air bubbles that babies tend to swallow during feeding.

If the baby doesn’t burp right after the feeding or if he is not burping enough, change the baby’s position, otherwise the baby can spit up or he’ll be cranky. Let’s have a look at easy tricks for burping a baby.

Why Do You Need To Burp A Baby?

Burping is definitely one of the crucial tasks for the new parents until their child grows.

Adults can easily release their own gas, but kids and babies need help with burping because they don’t have control how their bodies are positioned. Being a mamma, it’s your duty to make your baby comfortable.

Once the baby grows, he will be more self sufficient and he will burp by himself and release the gas. If your baby takes lots of time in burping, than it is recommended to consult the doctor.

Burping a baby is really important after each feeding or even when you’re switching the breasts, because when the baby drinks, they swallow a little air along with your breast milk and having those air bubble trapped in the baby’s tummy make them really uncomfortable and full before they really finish eating.

That’s why, burping a baby is really important as it brings out excessive air.

Tips On Burping A Baby
  • Always keep bib or burping cloth under the chin of baby to protect your clothes.

  • Keep a diaper, bib, and cloth handy when burping the baby as in case if the baby spits up or passes stool.

  • Gentle pat or rub in the back may help in burping, but some need a slightly hard hand.

  • Just focus on the left side of the baby’s back, where the little one stomach is located.

  • Fussing in the middle of feeding due to discomfort from swallowing air and continue fussing can cause the baby to swallow more air. That can lead to more cranky and possibly spitting up. Instead, Burping the baby right away would help baby in passing the excessive air without any problem.

How To Burp A Baby?

There is a small trick that I would like to share, when burping a baby you need to cup your hand while petting on the baby’s back and then do it gently.

Here are some easy and effective tricks when burping the baby.

1. Hold On Your Shoulder For Burping The Baby


For burping the baby, gently place your baby over your shoulder as shown in the image above and support the bottom with one hand and rub or pat back of the baby with the other hand. Patting or rubbing baby’s back will expel the trapped air.

While burping the baby, place the burping clothes on your shoulder to save your and baby’s cloth. Burp of the baby depends on who is doing the task, mamma or father, as there can be slight differences in their approach.

If mom is burping the baby, she should position baby’s belly on her breast. It can put a padded layer of pressure into the baby’s tummy that can facilitate release.

2. Facedown On Your Lap

The second tip for burping the baby is face down on the lap so sit on a chair or couch with both feet on the ground then lay the baby tummy down across your legs. Place one hand under his stomach and other on his back and the head turn sideways.

Secure your baby with one hand for burping and with the other hand gently rub or pat your baby’s back in a circular motion until burp comes.

how to burp a baby


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Joined: December 16th, 2019
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