Why an Open Wood Fire Can Help Your Relationship

Posted by abelrichard on February 20th, 2020

In times past there clearly was a great deal of pleasure to be enjoyed from an open fire, especially on a cold winter's day, once the fireplace was generally the centre of a room. Watching an open fire burn gives most of us the sort of primeval comfort which our ancestors probably felt. It is that very same primeval comfort that encourages people to cuddle in close proximity and enjoy the crackling of burning logs and the scent of wood smoke. There's an absolute sense of romance to be gained from watching bright flickering flames dancing in a open grate.

Today sadly many couples spend cold evenings simply showing up the central heating and watching the TV in modern rooms which can be deprived of the charisma of an open fireplace. While there are numerous obvious features of choosing modern heating methods, convenience for one, there's nothing to the touch the tangible warmth and life that an open fire brings to any home.

For a start it immediately creates a focal point for you yourself to gather round rather than drifting to different parts of the area, as well as the house. Each time a fire becomes the cheerful centre of the house it's only natural to desire to inhabit the space around it therefore you will automatically become closer by just occupying shared space instead of your personal individual space.

When people sit down, as well as snuggle close in the small space in front of the fire they automatically get closer, talk more and generally form a stronger bond. If those same people are actually in some kind of relationship the fact that they're enjoying the fire together means there's an even greater possibility of becoming closer especially if they are sharing the enjoyment of throwing wood on the fire or watching sudden bursts of beautiful flames shoot your in front of their eyes.

How many couples can derive the exact same pleasure from sitting in a featureless room without central fireplace as they would from lying on a comfy sofa in front of a roaring log fire, surrounded with a beautiful mantel manufactured from antique wood or marble? Yes needless to say the area may be easier to control and keep clean, with slightly less manual work, but it's never going to truly have a soul like the area that has a wood burning grate.

This said however, once you've decided to install or resurrect an existing open fireplace it's vital to use the right type of wood such as for instance oak or fruitwood as these emit probably the most heat. Also make sure you only ever use seasoned wood in your fireplace. If you try to burn green wood the warmth created by combustion must dry the wood before it will burn and you risk an accumulation of creosote in your chimney which creates an imminent fire hazard.

Never ignore one other basic fireplace safety rules such as for instance ensuring that the fire doesn't escape control, that small kids and pets don't get near to the flames and specifically make certain that smoke and toxins don't leak into your property through having a faulty or clogged up chimney. Also have your chimney professionally swept several times a year and avoid using any type of flame accelerant in the fireplace.

However tempting to not bother for'just a few momemts'don't leave open fires unattended or without a proper safety approved fire guard wood watches. Always store hot ashes outside in a closed metal container and certainly don't burn rubbish on a fire or you can have a larger flame than you intended as well as an explosion in case a canister gets on the fire by mistake.

Do keep your fireplace hearth free of anything combustible and never wear any type of loose clothing or billowing nightwear near a naked flame; you've only to read a little history to realise that this is a standard reason behind death in days gone by, when people wore long thick flannelette nightwear to stay warm. Finally make sure you install smoke alarms in most room and carbon monoxide detectors.

Follow these essential safety rules for guarding against lethal accident and you will always get untold peace and pleasure and indeed renewed romance from your wood burning fire.

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Joined: February 9th, 2020
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