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Posted by accolac99 on February 25th, 2020

A darkness has fallen over Morytania. The Myreque freedom fighters have achieved their first major victory over the vampyres with the death of rs gold Ranis Drakan. However, their newly found hope is unlikely to last. After many years of absence, Lord Lowerniel Drakan, the vampyre overlord of Morytania, has finally emerged from his castle. He has but one goal. To avenge his brother and eradicate the Myreque once and for all.

Sins of the Father is the fifth instalment in the Myreque storyline. In this quest, you will need to help the Myreque investigate some strange goings on in Morytania whilst also preparing for return of Lord Lowerniel Drakan himself.Capital of the vampyres and home of Castle Drakan, Darkmeyer has stood for centuries as an imposing and impenetrable blight on Morytania. Within its dark stone walls you will find a multitude of new shops, amenities and skilling methods.

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