Is it Time to Hire a Tree Removal Services in Ohio?

Posted by landprolandscaping on February 26th, 2020

Trees are living things. Just like humans and animals, they have a life cycle. This includes being born, growing, getting sick, and eventually dying. We don’t think very often about whether our tree is sick or if it is dying.

Yes, trees have diseases just like you or I. When they get sick, you can try to get rid of the disease but it is often necessary to hire tree removal services in Ohio. First, you must know there is a problem. There are six easy to spot symptoms of sickness that you can watch out for to determine if your tree needs help. Then, it's all a matter of calling a tree care professional and taking action! A few common warning signs are:

#1 Poor structure. Some trees lean more to one side or have an odd shape that is caused by an unnatural growth pattern. Severe storms and poor pruning are usually to blame for this. The earlier in the tree's life you notice this, the easier it is to rectify this issue. Do it soon to prevent the tree from falling!

#2 Decay. Decay may be hard to spot, as it usually affects the inside of the tree first. However, there are visible symptoms you can see which include mushroom-like spores, an expanded base, dead branches, and soft, breakable wood.

#3 Cracks. Not all cracks mean your tree is dying; some are normal and some are not. In general, a crack doesn’t hurt the tree unless cracks become too deep and affect the tree’s infrastructure and branches, or if they host detrimental pests.

#4 Weak unions or joints. Weakness is an indicator that your tree is sick, just like in people. If your tree’s branches don’t look very attached to the tree, that is a big sign there is a problem. Weak branches could fall at any time, so there’s no time to lose.

#5 Cankers. Cankers are areas of dead bark on your tree. A tree canker is caused by bacteria/fungi that infect a tree through an open wound. Once it’s inside, it attacks the tree and causes it many problems. Fortunately, these can usually be pruned off the tree if you know what you’re looking for and how to do it.

#6 Deadwood. What is deadwood? It is exactly what it sounds like: wood that is dead. The branches are usually easy to break and are dry. It could be as simple as removing the parts that are dead, or the entire tree could be past the point of no return.

All of these symptoms are warnings that your tree's health is threatened. The faster you identify these indications, the faster your tree can get back to normal. Of course, this may not always be possible and in that case, it would be appropriate to hire a residential tree removal service in Ohio.

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