Benefits Of Having a CPR Certification

Posted by Vector Chan on March 3rd, 2020

CPR certification or CPR training basically aims to increase awareness and confidence in performing emergency response practices. The full form of CPR is Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation, which is an emergency life-saving procedure that is performed when an individual’s heartbeat or breathing suddenly stops. As it is widely known, brain damage can be caused within minutes of cardiac arrest. Therefore, it is essential to have at least basic CPR training so as to know and perform CPR when the emergency situation arises as it can be a matter of life or death for an individual.

CPR, in essence, comprises of rescue breathing which provides oxygen to the lungs of the patient and chest compression which keeps the oxygen-rich blood flowing until the heartbeat and breathing is normally restored. But, performing CPR requires proper training and knowledge, and therefore, a lot of medical institutes have started providing CPR certification courses to train people in performing basic CPR. But, after completing CPR training an individual is also required to practice CPR on different patients such as adults, kids, and infants as every individual is different. CPR is proven to increase the survival rate for patients and trained CPR individuals can save someone’s life in an emergency situation before professional help arrives.

So, What Are The Various Benefits Of CPR Certification?


1)CPR certification empowers people and provides them a confidence level, to act during emergency situations.
2)CPR certification empowers people to help someone in need, whether it be their family members or strangers on the street.
3)People feel more empowered to step up during emergency situations as they have the necessary skills to deal with such situations.


1)CPR certification gives people the ability to save lives.
2)Emergency situations always advocate for immediate action, as an ambulance might not be able during all times, and even a minute delay can make a difference in saving a person’s life.
3)Providing CPR many times helps calm a person, which, in turn, reduces the risk of brain damage or death.


1)A higher number of CPR certificate holders can increase the survival rate of patients by providing them the necessary help during emergency situations.
2)Performance of CPR on an unconscious patient can prove to be matter of life or death
3)If a no.of people are CPR certified, they can take turns giving chest compressions and rescue breaths, during a vehicle accident where a no. of people might be injured.


1)Being knowledgeable about CPR creates an environment of safety for all employees and near and dear ones.
2)The CPR certification can prove to be a plus, especially when an individual is applying for a job in the field of medical or nursing
3)Most companies and industries have made it mandatory for their employees to have basic CPR training as it can come handy during emergency situations.

Vector Chan is the author of this article. For further detail about CPR certification please visit the website.

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Vector Chan

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Vector Chan
Joined: March 3rd, 2020
Articles Posted: 6

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