Best physics assignment helpPosted by henry smith on March 3rd, 2020 Get best Physics Assignment Help from best expertsPhysics is one of the disciplines in science, which also includes chemistry, biology. Physics is the study of various laws of mechanics, laws of electromagnetics, laws of quantum physics and other laws which exist in nature like, why always apple fall on the ground, law of gravitation. Basically, in physics, we study the nature of force, electricity, the structure of an atom and what are the statics, kinematic, dynamics condition of the body. Classical physics are being classified into different type’s: - 1. Mechanics 2. Electrodynamics 3. Optics 4. Thermodynamics. Mechanics is based on the laws of Newton, laws of gravitation which deals with the nature of motion, types of forces act on a body, type of constraint act on the system, type of body whether it is rigid or deformable and any other physical quantity which describes the property of the system. Electrodynamics is the combination of electro and dynamics i.e. electro means electricity and dynamics means effects, it’s simply an electric effect. In other words, electrodynamics deals with effects that produce due to combination of electric charges and magnetic fields. It is based on laws of coulomb and laws of magnetism. Optics deals with the phenomenon that occurs with light, how the light behaves when they interact with matter and what are the various phenomenon occurs which describe the nature of interaction like whether it is reflecting, transmitting or absorbing. Optics also describe the nature of light like visible, ultraviolet, infrared and other electromagnetic radiations. It is based on the laws of reflection and refraction. Thermodynamics is the branch of physics that deals with the effect of temperature, heat and conversion efficiency of the system. It is concerned with the change of internal energy, enthalpy, the entropy of the system. With the thermodynamics, if make our system more efficient to convert heat into work. The most practical use of thermodynamics is in a heat engine, which is used to convert the chemical energy of the fuel into mechanical energy. It is based on the laws of thermodynamics. In this module, we cover the Physics-I, which include the mechanics. Some of the topics to be covered in this module are:
We provide Science assignment help including physics, will study all this topic one by one from the expert on this subject. We have expertise in a given area domain which makes it easy to understand the basics and later on in-depth knowledge of each topic. Talk to our experts to get assignment help in physics 24x7 Conclusion For a science student, it is a must to clearly understand the basic laws of nature and physics is one the science discipline where each science student has to learn about the various laws involve in mechanics, electricity, optics, and thermodynamics. We will cover the mechanics part of physics by starting a topic on units and its measurements. Then we will cover the statics, kinematics, and dynamic portion of mechanics. Afterward, we go through some basics of fluids and thermal. Then we wrap up this module with the study of oscillation and waves topic. Login to Our website to get Physics Homework Help now! Like it? Share it!More by this author |