How to perform a courtesy Islamic funeral?

Posted by alfirdausjinnaza on March 3rd, 2020

Death is heart-rending irrespective of what religion you belong to, though every religion has a proper process to bid adieu but performing it in a proper way is important. From funeral etiquette to funeral proceedings and cemetery etiquette, Islamic people pay their homage to the one who passed away through a courtesy Islamic funeral. In Islam, death is not the end, it’s a transitional journey to the afterlife. The sequence of after-life depends upon how you followed Islamic religious codes throughout your life. Depending upon your deeds, you will be given with rewards or punishments. If with good deeds, you will be praised but if you have bad deeds, the mob gathered to depart the one will pray to God to bestow mercy on the deceased.

Funeral etiquettes that should be followed

Burial should happen immediately after the death, it should be washed and covered with a clean sheet by close family members. They can proffer prayers while holding the head of the body towards Mecca, the holy pilgrimage. The body is then carried to a mosque in locations like a courtyard, community square, and prayer room to provide the mob a space to gather for courtesy Islamic funeral. The holy imam speaks out funeral prayer with the mob parted well in three lanes of men, women, and children.

Grieving should be done but in the limits of decorum. “NO LOUD SOBBING” is allowed and as soon as the prayer finishes, the body is carried to the funeral site in a silent procession. Also, women are not allowed to attend the funeral as they can’t visit graveyards. Modest dressing is a must to follow the funeral, as Muslims treat the death of a fellow a loss for the entire community.

Also, autopsies, embalming, and cosmetology or other surgeries are discouraged as they believe that On Judgement Day, their final resurrection takes place. Though organ donation is allowed and can be done if the family approves. People often miss on some of these, for they are distressed and hence approaching best Muslim funeral services providers would help in performing funeral rituals well.

After the funeral and burial, the family may morn for a period of 40 days, in the meantime they receive visitors. The community provides food to the family for a few days as a custom. All this is done to pay a nice tribute to the one who departed, also Muslim funeral services would make it easy to perform all this ideally.

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