Trouble sleeping at night - is it insomnia?

Posted by Modafinil provigil on March 5th, 2020

Insomnia is a very common problem that everyone faces at some point in life. But for some people, it does not leave the chase for a long time.

Rishi Gupta, 55, had problems sleeping at night for several months. Not only did it take them about one to one and a half hours to get to sleep after lying in bed, but they would wake up a lot of times in the night due to which their sleep could not be completed.

“I used to feel lethargic all day due to lack of sleep throughout the night. My wife also used to face a lot of trouble due to my repeated rise. Where did Rishi explain his situation?

For the first few days, he did not pay special attention to it, but gradually his work also started to be affected due to lack of sleep. Eventually, his son told him about the problem of insomnia and advised him to get examined by a doctor.

The sage decided to go to Dr Mayank Uppal, Consultant, Internal Medicine of Sitaram Bhartia. During the investigation, he asked Rishi in detail about his symptoms.

It was clear by looking at his symptoms and bedtime routine that the sage was struggling with chronic insomnia

How to treat insomnia?

Insomnia can often be treated by curing its associated disease or cause. Along with this, its symptoms can be managed by making some important changes in lifestyle. You can buy zopiclone online over the counter from our online pharmacy store to treat your insomnia.

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Modafinil provigil

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Modafinil provigil
Joined: October 23rd, 2018
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