Busting the Myths of Hotel Management Industry

Posted by Applied Professional Training (APT) on March 6th, 2020

We all want to become successful but not all of us are able to choose a career that we want. Only a few are able to take such move to be able to do what they actually want to. With multitudes of career opportunities opened for the students across India, hotel management is one of those courses that offers plethora of advantages to the aspired students.

Unlike the previous times, no more students are stuck to a few career choices. However, choosing an unconventional career like hotel operations management requires lot of education and also the ability to take people’s mouthful of words. When something is different, people starts telling a lot of things and become a lot judgmental than they are needed and which as a result give rise to several misconceptions.

These misconceptions are either created or they have been exaggerated from the original story and eventually making it something unpleasant to people. Hotel management is one of such industries that will always need you to be better and use your creativity in a different way.

However, if you are stepping back just because some of your relatives and neighbors are telling some unpleasant thing, then it is always recommended to decide on your own. Do not listen to what people say just do what makes you feel better.

Before moving forward to busting the myths associated with the hotel management let us have a look at the recent growth in the hotel management industry:

  •  It has been estimate that by the end of 2023, there will be 337 million job opportunities in the hospitality sector
  •  1 among the 10 people will get employed in the tourism and hospitality by the year 2023.
  •  Even when other sectors might slowdown, the travel and tourism industry will never find its bad days; rather it is expected to find growth in the coming days.

Therefore now you know that this is certainly one of the best industries that is expected to grow in the coming days but, what about the misconceptions? Let us bust some of the myths associated with the hostel management industry.

  • Myth #1: Hotel Management is just about cooking and serving:

Reality is yes it is about cooking but it more than just cooking. However, cooking is not about just preparing some random dish but also involves lot of techniques and understanding about the different taste of spices.

Hotel management is a serious type of business which includes the beverage and food service that is most into the housekeeping department. This is one of such departments that maintain the cleanliness and also a comfortable ambiance on hotels. This also includes the front office operations, which is associated with the smooth operation of the hotel. Apart from this there are event planners as well who are into creating and successfully completing the events like festivals and conference.

Hence hotel management is not only about cooking but it involves different types of career paths that one can explore in the industry.

  •  Myth #2: You cannot migrate to other industry if you are pursuing hotel management:

If you are restricting yourself because you have heard about the limitations that you will have to face when you are pursuing the hotel management course, the reality is sky is the limit with the hotel management degree as well. This is one of such industries that provide you with multiple opportunities in your career which is associated with the HM degree.

  •  You can choose to become the accommodation manager in the conference centers, hospitals, care homes and much more.
  •  You can choose the airline sector and work s a cabin crew member, flight attendants, culinary manager and much more.
  •  You can choose to work as an event manager and work in the fairs and exhibition, product launch, conference and much more.
  •  You can choose the tourism sector and work as a tour manager, sales manager and travel agents and much more.
  •  You can choose to work as a professor in the educational sector
  •  You can choose to work as the casino manager or the cruise manager in the casinos and cruises.
  •  Myth #3: Only students with low grades choose a hotel management course:

Reality is to pursue and pass the hotel management degree it takes more than just the scores. One needs to have the skill to become a part of the challenging and exciting industry.

The hotel management course is certain vast and which offers complete knowledge to the students. One needs to go through the process prior to getting an admission which starts with the written exam which tests the logical, analytical. Language and mathematical skills followed by discussion and eventually interview.

There is no such thing like only students with bad scores are opting for it, but it depends upon the choice. There are several students who have scored high and are a part of the hotel management industry only because they love it not because they score less.

  •  Myth #4: This is not a choice for the women:

Reality is there is no such gender discrimination in any industry these days. No more gender is something that holds back, it depends on the intelligence and aptitude.

Even when the industry has made immense progress in the last few years some people are still stuck in the conception of ancient times. Some people still think that this is not a sector that can be chosen by women. Reality is something different as this is the industry that also needs elegance and grace of women.

Therefore, if you are a woman and you want to be a part of the hotel management industry, but such misconceptions are holding you back, then just put the earplug and go for your dreams.

  •  Myth #5: It takes huge time to establish:

Even when it is been told specifically to the hotel management sector, the reality is it is true for any sector. When you are in the beginning of the career, you certainly cannot expect to get remuneration like the experts. All you need is to keep on the hard work and in this way it will reach higher and you can enjoy the limitless opportunities.

In India, the initial salary is almost INR 150000 and which can go up in lakhs with experience and skill. If you have the capability, you might get the chance to fly oversees and enjoy your career. Therefore like any other sector, hotel management takes normal time to get success.

So now if you are ready to go for the hotel management courses offered by hotel management institute in Kolkata, you should be aware if the skills that are needed to become a part of the hotel management industry.

  •  Good interpersonal skill
  •  Excellent communication and writing skills
  •  Keep calm
  •  Pleasing personality
  •  Enthusiastic and energetic
  •  Business skills
  •  Creative

Therefore upon busting the myths associated with the hotel management industry, you can understand what you will be missing if you don’t have the chance now. Always remember that every successful things has some myth associated with it and therefore rather than giving up on your dreams, just give up on listening to what others have to say. People will always be judgmental and therefore it is you to decide.

If you have decided to go for it and looking for a best hotel management institute in Kolkata, you will be overwhelmed with the many choices you will find in Google. However, we will recommend you to opt for APT, as they are one of the best choices when it comes to the hotel management industry. With the properly designed classes along with the skilled trainer, this school ensures offering the best service to the students to reach their goals and establish in their respective fields.

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Applied Professional Training (APT)

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Applied Professional Training (APT)
Joined: August 6th, 2019
Articles Posted: 3

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