What Should Affect the Backrest’s Length?

Posted by classicsofany on March 7th, 2020

The backrest is arguably one of the most important parts to decide upon when looking through custom chairs in Manhattan, NY. Sitting down gives your legs a break, but your spine can still feel sore and stiff if you have nothing comfortable to put it on. Backrests can come in all shapes and sizes, and not all of them will work out for you. If you want a chair that you can feel easy resting in, you will need to take the following factors into consideration when looking at the backrests.

Your Height

When deciding on the length of your backrest, your height plays a crucial factor in how tall you think the backrest should be. However, it’s more about how tall you are when sitting down rather than standing up. Legs are not the only body parts that make a tall person taller than other people. If you are tall and want to take occasional naps in your chair, then getting a chair that has a backrest that only covers the lower half of your back may not be the best option.

You will also need to think about how you prefer to sleep on the chairs. Some homeowners prefer to have the backrest slightly lower than their necks, while others do not want any empty space behind their necks when sitting down. If you are picky about how you want certain body parts to rest on the chair, make sure to inform whoever is selling you the chair before making the purchase.

The Shape

How the chair is ultimately shaped depends on your preferences for room aesthetics and personal comfort. There are plenty of questions you will need to prepare yourself before you figure out how you want the chair shaped. Do you want it to be square or round? Where should the armrests be positioned? How far back should the backrest be leaning?

Once you figure out what shape you will want, then you can apply the necessary measurements for your custom chairs in Manhattan, NY. Keep in mind that even the slightest change in shape can drastically change how long you should make the backrest. If is leaning more backward, then you may not have to worry about its standing length too much. If it is round, you may have an easier time resting your head on top of the chair. It may be important to figure out your preferred style first so you do not have to make too many remeasurements when searching through the different options.

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