How CBD May Help.

Posted by Ainsley Aiken on March 7th, 2020

The growing popularity of CBD oil and other cannabis products has reached an all-time "high" - no pun intended, according to Forbes Magazine. Below we list just some ways in which CBD oil is been used to help alleviate various symptoms.

cannabis products

1- CBD acts upon our CB1 and CB2 receptors located throughout the body to produce a variety of potentially positive outcomes. They do not bind to the receptors but instead impact them indirectly in our body. These actions include activating TRPV1 receptors that aid important functions like body temperature, pain, and inflammation and therefore reduces pain.

2- For those suffering with neuro degenerative disorders like Alzcheimer's, CBD aids the removal of plaques on the brain that block neuron signalling.

3- More and more people are struggling with anxiety due to diet and the fast pace we push ourselves too. CBD will reduce anxiety, cognitive impairment and discomfort in patients diagnosed with social anxiety disorders due to its calming properties.

4- Studies have shown that genes involved in tumour development are slowed down as CBD turns off the genes that excelerate tumour development.

5- For those with skin issues such as acne, psoriasis and dermatitis, CBD will reduce the inflammation, itchiness or redness by inhibiting lipid synthesis on the skin.

6- Many have reported relief from IBD, IBS, Chron's or colitis, due to CBD'S anti inflammatory effects.

7-Symptoms of multiple Sclerosis(MS) were improved due to CBD giving durable protection to neurons.

8- In the fight against obesity, several studies have shown that those using CBD daily had smaller waist circumferences.

9- For those with diabetes, CBD has been proven to regulate blood sugars and lower insulin resistance.

10- Want to quit smoking or any other addiction? then give yourself a little help with CBD oil products which help reduce cigarette cravings by modulating the rewarding effects of nicotine and also calming the stress associated with nicotine or any addition withdrawal.

11- As CBD has an ultra calming effect on the body and brain, those with sleeping issues or sleep apnea will benefit and have improved sleep quality and also restore respiratory stability to those experiencing sleep apnea.

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Ainsley Aiken

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Ainsley Aiken
Joined: March 31st, 2017
Articles Posted: 608

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