How Weight Lifting Help You Build Muscle

Posted by adairsawyer on August 23rd, 2012

Building muscles through weight lifting is an exercise that you need to commit yourself to. This is a goal that people want to achieve for various reasons.  Some want to do it to make a profession or career out of it, while others want to be just healthy.  Still, there are some who like the body image that they get out of it.  Building muscles require you to consistently engage in strenuous exercises and maintain a proper diet.  You can take bodybuilding supplements that can help you achieve your desired effects.  Supplements are best when taken with workouts.  Some people use pro hormones, which are reported to be effective in building muscle mass, but may harm the body in the long run.  The safety of these supplements will be discussed in the latter part of this article.

If you are just starting weight lifting, the first thing you should do is make a routine. It should have daily sessions that will allow you to work each day on different groups of muscles.  Muscles should not be overworked, so give them about 1 or 2 days rest within the week.  Start with short sessions and continue to add up as the body gets used to the regime.  The weight that you lift should also be adjusted, as well as the number of repetitions, because the heavier the load you lift, the more your muscles become developed.

You should be able to progress to heavier weights to make sure that your muscle grows. Increase your resistance so that the changes that you have been wanting can be seen. Weight lifting should be done in a proper way, because otherwise, the muscles that you have wanted to develop might end up damaged.

Now, about pro hormones.  The question that is asked a lot is about its safety of use.  Is it safe?  The answer may be Yes, or No.  It is not safe to be used by young people who are yet to reach their puberty.  And it may be safe for use by older males who are doing weight lifting for a while, and is able to manage this powerful supplement.  However, care should be taken in its use  because of the various side effects that can come with it. Some examples of this side effects include gyno (male breast), mood swings, acne, and balding, among others.

The reason given for these effects is that the estrogen and testosterone levels of the body become unbalanced after a pro hormone cycle.  Because of this, PCT (or post cycle therapy) is recommended for those who have completed a cycle.  PCT is a combination of compounds, minerals and supplements that function to regulate the hormone levels so you can maintain your muscle gains, and prevent those serious side effects.

After ingestion, pro hormones convert into actual steroid, so typically they can be as powerful if not more powerful than the steroids.  Unless you are at the right age and have been lifting weights for quite a while, you should avoid taking these supplements.

Pro hormones are the essence of weight lifting.

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