Life in 2020 – Krittika from VideosNinja

Posted by Videos Ninja on March 13th, 2020

Let’s agree on one thing; 2020 is proving to be Annus Horribilis. Delhi Riots, Economy downturn, Coronavirus, Global warming, Yes Bank meltdown and we have just reached March! But has it been as bad or is it slightly less bad? In my opinion; our tendency to ‘Like’ and ‘Share’ is making 2020 more miserable than it naturally is. 

Why is that so? 

1. Bad news sells; not only from media perspective but in our own social circles. How many times do we share or like ‘Feel Good’ stories? Compare it to negative stories and you will realize our own lopsided social behaviour. 

2. We consume the same miserable story from all our groups multiple times. Our mind starts to convince ourselves that things are really BAD. It’s a downward spiral once our mind is convinced about the pervading negativity. We feel miserable; we make others more miserable. 

While the authorities do what they need to make things better; we need to do our bit. Let’s not share everything that comes to us. 

Let’s consume news judiciously. It’s essential for our mental well-being. A more relaxed mind thinks better; reacts better. One day digital detox & you will feel better. There is still hope for getting 2020 back on track; let’s not fall into the Oxytocin high trap that our ‘Likes’ & ‘Shares’ give. Hat Tip – Digital Detox.


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Videos Ninja

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Videos Ninja
Joined: February 12th, 2020
Articles Posted: 3

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