4 Causes Of Abnormal Heart Murmurs You Need To Know About

Posted by vivek choudhary on March 21st, 2020

Heart murmurs are essentially sounds generated in the course of your heartbeat cycle. These are generally swishing or whooshing sounds made by the turbulent flow of blood in or in the vicinage of your heart. A cardiologist in Gurgaon can perceive these murmurs with the help of a stethoscope. When your heartbeat is abnormal, two sounds “lubb-dupp” can be heard. These are actually the sounds of the closure of your heart valves.

  • The condition of heart murmurs may be congenital or have its development later in life.
  • Even though heart murmurs don’t allude to any disease, they may still pinpoint a latent heart problem.
  • Every so often heart murmurs are benign in nature and require no specific treatment.
  • A few heart murmurs, called abnormal heart murmurs may be in need of follow-up tests to make sure that the murmur isn’t an upshot of serious repressed heart disease.
  • If required, treatment at a Gurgaon heart hospitalwill be directed towards arresting the underlying cause of your heart murmurs.

Causes of abnormal heart murmurs

  • Most commonly abnormal murmurs are traced among children during childbirth when the babies are born with congenital heart deformities.
  • According to a doctor from a heart specialist hospital in Gurgaon frequently observed congenital deformities that may give rise to heart murmurs include the following.
    1. Cardiac shunts or holes present in the heart
      • Identified as septal defects, holes located in the heart may or may not pose serious threats conditional on the hole’s size and location.
      • Cardiac shunts come into being when the flow of blood takes place abnormally between the chambers of the heart or blood vessels.
      • As a consequence, heart murmurs are developed.
    2. Heart valve abnormalities
      • Congenital heart valve abnormalities are inherited at childbirth.
      • However, at times, these abnormalities aren’t traced until you have progressed much in life.
      • Instances take in the conditions of:
        • Stenosis wherein the valves fail to allow sufficient blood to flow through them
        • Regurgitation wherein the valves fail to close appropriately and exhibit leakage
      • A heart specialist in Gurgaon says that infections and conditions that bring about structural damages to the heart are other causes that may have a role to play in the development of abnormal heart murmurs.
      • These occurrences are found to be more common among adolescents or younger adults.
      • These include the following:
        1. Valve calcification
          • This is characterized by the thickening or hardening of the heart valves, similar to conditions such as aortic valve stenosis or mitral valve stenosis.
          • Stenotic or tapered heart valves make it more difficult for the flow of blood through the heart thereby triggering murmurs.
        2. Endocarditis
          • This refers to an infection that sets off along the inner wall of your heart and heart valves.
          • Usually, the infection happens when bacteria or other harmful microorganisms from a different body part such as the mouth propagate through the bloodstream and reach your heart.
          • If left unattended, endocarditis can result in damage or the destruction of your heart valves.
          • This condition exacerbates in people who are already suffering from a certain kind of heart valve abnormality.

The majority of heart murmurs don’t spring up serious complications. However, if you’ve got heart murmurs you should get in touch with a cardiologist doctor at Paras, the best hospital in Gurgaon. Your doctor will be able to find out if your heart murmur is innocent or indicates a suppressed heart ailment.

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vivek choudhary

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vivek choudhary
Joined: May 13th, 2019
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