A Introduction of Guild Wars 2 Last Test Belongings

Posted by package059 on September 4th, 2012

Guild Wars 2 the ultimate test of weekend activities will start from Friday July 20 to Sunday, July 24, thousands of players from Europe and North America might be in the game before the official release with August 25 last experience Guild Wars 2 examine version. As you might expect, this is a vibrant time for ArenaNet game studio everyone. Weeks GW2 Gold will be released in the last test weekend activities may be the largest, players will experience the Asura Asura plus Xi Waer Sylvari role, as well as various exciting content. Now follow me take a consider it. This week we will introduce one called a gift of enemy fire PvP map, based to the background and design of the original battle. Many of the PvP map, players will compete in three organize points fighting, but in a pair of innovative maps, the Guild Lord of the the NPC secure and team, kill the powerful NPCs will get loads of scoring reward - if You can kill these folks successfully. I think that the battle fans might be particularly fond enemy fire of background. Game creator Jonathan Sharp said. I think they will try to remember from some classic battle map. A spectacular siege warfare WvW not just for players armed or cruel conflict, there are lots of small-scale teams or single players ready. The examine weekend, we will provide a single player around increasing target Sentinel. You can imagine from the name of a Sentinel strategic points on a single NPC guards, if you get rid of them may get reward points. But be sure to pay focus on - the Sentinel not so easily defeated! The eventual test after the weekend activities, we will buy GW2 Gold remove all existing test data. Each test the role and all their information or related props will be removed ahead of release of the Headstart Access and games. Nonetheless we'll keep you test account contact list, so you're able to Headstart Access or game release is followed by Friends of the test players contacted. In the following test weekend, we will test our jewelry store trading systems inside of a dynamic environment, which means you can use your special game points or through PayPal (PayPal) to order jewelry. As we mentioned before, before the game was released, we will remove all test data - including this weekend to order props - but we will record how many gems you pay for in the testing activities. When Guild Wars couple of officially released on August 28, your account will receive these gems you pay for. The ArenaNet developers will be broadcast live on Twitch TV all the test weekend activities. Recommendations from the battle so that you can PvP matching guidance, the deeper our game web developers will give you guidance and answer your diablo 3 gold questions in the chat channels for each survive room.

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Joined: August 10th, 2012
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