How to Retain Your Actual Twitter Followers
Posted by jackbandy on November 23rd, 2012
What is the primary reason for people choosing to buy Twitter followers? Well, the answer is to gain more real and active following on their Twitter account. While it is true that one can purchase Twitter followers with money, what happens after that is often confusing. Since these ‘followers’ that you have bought are just numbers, therefore you can’t expect them to participate in whatever you have to offer them. They are just a way of attracting real individuals having account on Twitter to follow you because you are popular and they want to know what the whole deal is all about.
So what happens after you have bought Twitter followers and it actually encouraged more real individuals to follow you on Twitter? Well, if you are just going to do nothing about it then that would defeat the purpose of buying Twitter followers in the first place. So the next thing people do after they had chosen to buy Twitter followers is to put in real efforts in order to make whatever new followers that they had attracted to remain as their followers. You can do this by posting engaging tweets to ensure that the people do not stop following you on Twitter and remain with you for a long time.
Before you buy Twitter followers you have got to be ready for the explosion of real Twitter users who would be tempted to follow you after a substantial boost in the number of Twitter followers that you have. Try to not post tweets which are extremely short and which do not really offer any value to your followers. No one likes boring posts and moreover, people tend to be more impatient online than they are in real life which is why grabbing attention immediately is a must. Twitter is a great social network and when you know how to bank on it then you can actually create magic.
You also have to be humble and thank your actual Twitter followers for having followed you irrespective of the duration. Since Twitter is a mirco-blogging social media website, therefore all your posts have to be less than 140 characters. So frame your sentences or tweets in such a way that they use minimum words and yet are able to convey relevance, variance and the thoughts that you want to convey. Now, you can completely ignore the followers that you would gain when you buy Twitter followers, but you should never give the same treatment to your real followers.
Another thing that you must do is to always try to engage your Twitter followers by hosting some competition or giveaways from time to time. As far as possible try to answer all private messages that your actual followers send to you on Twitter. Also, include a word of ‘Thank You’ towards the end of the message in order to remind them that you really do appreciate them following you. After all, these are real people with real emotions, not just the ones you gain when you buy Twitter followers, so they need some acknowledgement in order to be retained.
One of the tricks used by popular Twitter ‘whales’ is that they always try to encourage their Twitter followers to tweet them back about their opinions or simply a message. Even though the followers may be following you, but something that can tick them off is when everything revolves solely around you. Since you cannot buy Twitter followers, you have to earn their respect and constantly churn out interesting content. Even though you might not be reading every re-tweet but the followers would actually feel nice to know that you care about their opinions on various matters.
You can buy Twitter followers and increase your numbers to an impressive figure but this should not undermine the importance of your real followers. After all it is the actual Twitter followers who read all the tweets so they should always be acknowledged.