BioShock Infinite PC specs revealed
Posted by c280668993 on January 16th, 2013
BioShock Infinite's minimum and recommended PC specifications have been cheapest diablo 3 gold revealed, requiring a DirectX 10 compatible graphics card, 2GB of RAM, a Core 2 Duo/Athlon X2, and 20GB of hard drive space to play Irrational Games' latest on its lowest settings.
To hit the recommended level, however, gamers will need a quad-core processor, 4GB RAM, 30GB of hard drive space, and a DirectX 11 graphics card, such as a GeForce GTX 560 or a Radeon 6950.
Irrational Games' technical director Chris Kline notes that no artificial mouse smoothing is applied, the game's UI can be navigated with keyboard and mouse or a controller, and you can switch back and forth between these inputs without having to pause the game.
BioShock Infinite will also be shipping with high-definition textures, though this does mean physical copies of the game will come on three DVDs. The game also makes full use of Steamworks, including cloud saves and support for Steam's Big Picture Mode.
"If I have any regrets, it’s that there are always more features that we wanted to add than we had time to implement, " said Kline. "For example, some of the most requested PC features these days are in-game V-Sync and FOV adjustment controls. Unfortunately, given our tight sc--wait, never mind. We added those too! "
BioShock Infinite will be launching for the PC, Xbox 360, and Playstation 3 on March 26. source: gamespot
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