DayZ creator angry about the War Z
Posted by apspu on January 19th, 2013
DayZ creator Dean Hall has spoken out against controversial zombie game buy d3 gold The War Z, which features numerous similarities to Hall's game. Writing on Reddit, he explained that the consumer confusion surrounding both games has left him "quite personally hurt. "
"I am angry about the War Z. I'm very angry, " Hall said. "I'm quite hurt personally because anyone can see how similar the words are, and while the average gamer knows the difference individual people don't. I've had family members/close friends mistake the difference and confront me about what they believed was unethical behavior they thought I was making. "
Hall further explained that he has bet his livelihood and reputation on DayZ, which is now at stake given the events surrounding The War Z.
"I really don't think anyone can understand just quite how exasperated that can make you feel when you've gambled everything on something, put your whole self and reputation on the line, " he said. "So it hasn't made my life very pleasant and I disagree entirely with the conduct and how consumers have been treated. "
This is not the first time Hall has spoken his mind about the War Z. In December, Hall said the controversy surrounding The War Z has left him "depressed, " noting he contemplated quitting game development altogether because of it.
Controversy surrounding The War Z came to light upon the game's release through Steam in December. Users quickly began reporting numerous issues with The War Z. Further, many players criticized the game and developer Hammerpoint for being misleading and for censoring their comments about issues with the game. The game has since been pulled from Steam.
As for Day Z, Hall and his team are currently working on a standalone version of the zombie game to be published by Bohemia Interactive in 2013 for PC. source: gamespot
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