What is Enterprise Application Integration?

Posted by tedmark on January 22nd, 2013

In order to properly understand enterprise application integration (EAI) and the fact that it can be really useful in combination with other strategies like data center consolidation, we will refer to employee data as a usable example. It is very complicated for a business owner that does not have much technical knowledge to understand the numerous benefits associated. Inside HR applications and with payroll applications, this system is very important in order to increase efficiency.

To put it really simple, this integration is very useful in data center consolidation because it aids in creating a connection between the different applications that are used in a company. You will often notice it in the event of using quotes. The quotes are introduced in CRM applications and purchase orders will be included in ERP systems. When you use enterprise application systems, there is no longer a need to add information in 2 systems (ERP and CRM) because adding in just one will put the data in the other one.

The big problem with enterprise application integration is the fact that it can be quite challenging to connect all the necessary applications. At first glance this might seem like something that is very simple but it is not at all. You want to make sure that the integration is done properly and in order to do that you will need help from a professional. It is very hard to do everything alone if you do not know how applications have to be integrated.

Challenges mainly appear because of the fact that different files or different databases are utilized by programming constructs. Enterprise application integration needs to make sure that everything connects properly with the main system that is utilized. In addition, you need to also think about the maintenance work that is necessary to verify and transport data between systems in real time. EAI can be used to transport data between OLTP and OLAP systems.

Various enterprise application integration technologies are used nowadays including IBMs MQ and WebMethods. Every single technology used will work based on Electronic Data Interchange or Messaging. Custom integrators are supported so that various applications like SIEBEL or SAP R/3 can be connected. XML file format can be used to exchange data and is preferred because of the easiness of integration.

In conclusion, enterprise application integration is usually a necessity for a firm that uses numerous files and databases in order to store different types of data from payroll information to customer information. A firm that is specialized in connecting various applications can develop a system that will make a company’s efficiency to grow considerably since the time needed to implement the same data in various databases can easily be cut in half. Instead of having to keep adding information in various applications, the newly developed system would basically take the data that you input in one application and make it available for other apps that you might want to use and that are connected with the databases that you initially create. Implementing such a system is not at all that expensive and the associated benefits are numerous.

Whenever referring to data center consolidation the need to have enterprise application integration systems developed is usually quite high. Always work with companies that have experience in offering quality systems, like what is linked here!

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