Fungal Nails and Plantar Fasciitis - Two of the Conditions Podiatrist Could Cure
Posted by juliabennet on February 2nd, 2013
The healthcare specialist who will look after your leg and the feet is called the podiatrist. If you feel any pain in your leg or in case you have deformed or painful nails he could help you. While pains in the leg could be caused by different reasons the nails are usually affected by fungi. Fungal nails will lose their shape, look discoulored and also may grow improperly. Therefore, if you have such nails it is a must to see your podiatrist in order to seek treatment. He will examine your nails and will recommend the treatment required. For a podiatrist it is not a difficult task to cure fungal nails.
Before you start treatment for fungal nails it is important for you to know why they appear. This ailment is brought about by a group of microorganisms called the fungi. In case your nail is not kept clean or if it develops a crack or such a physical damage, in the crevice formed spores of fungi could deposit giving rise to fungal infections. Also, the infection could spread to other nails causing fungal nails. Therefore, having your nails clean and free of damage is of utmost importance.
In case you need to go to a podiatrist due to pain in your feet, probably you are suffering from plantar fasciitis. This is a condition that occurs due to plantar fascia being strained too much. Plantar fascia is the tissue that connects your toes to your heal. This tissue is the one that supports the arch of the feet also. When this condition occurs you will feel pain when you walk and when you keep standing. Sometimes there could be swelling also. When you get plantar fasciitis there is no other way to cure it without seeing a podiatrist.
There are several causes for plantar fasciitis. Being overweight is one of the main causes. If you have feet that are flat or if your arches are too high you might develop this condition. When you walk your twisting your feet inward to a high degree also could be one of the causes for plantar fasciitis. Another reason for you to get affected by this condition is wearing worn out shoes or ones that do not fit properly. When you walk or run on hard surfaces also there is a likelihood of your getting affected by this condition. Being aware of these causes and trying to avoid them is necessary once you are cured of this condition.
These are just two of the conditions for which your podiatrist could help you to get relief. There are hundreds of others. One of the most important things to know is to see your therapist at early stages of an ailment. The more you delay going to the podiatrist the longer it will take to cure. This is true for any ailment not only for pains in the leg. Therefore, whenever you get any kind of pain which you think is related to your leg you must make it a point to see your podiatrist.
In case you suffer from fungal nails or plantar fasciitis the best thing is to see a podiatrist. He is the healthcare specialist who is able to treat both these conditions.