Critical Consensus: Ridiculous Fishing - A tale of Redemption
Posted by e280668993 on March 18th, 2013
On paper, the fishing game seems like a pretty ridiculous concept all round. Lineage 2 Adena It's a fairly sedentary hobby, epitomised by calm mornings on a chilly river bank, in which the ultimate achievement is to drag a slimy, smelly creature out of its natural habitat before photographing it and either putting it back or stuffing it for the wall of your house.
However, it does share some aspects with the rich gaming seam which is war, in that it's characterised by long periods of boredom punctuated by brief moments of excitement or sheer terror, depending on your feelings about fish, so perhaps it's not that confusing that fishing games actually have a pretty rich history. From SEGA Bass Fishing to CocoaChina's incredibly lucrative Fishing Joy, fishing games have always held a odd but profitable niche. Angling has also graced dozens of classic titles in the form of minigames, including Zelda, Monster Hunter and Animal Crossing.
Ridiculous Fishing doesn't care about any of those games, or fishing in general. To my knowledge it's also the first fishing game to come with a list of unlockable guns. Player character Billy lives the Hemingway dream by combining hunting, shooting and fishing into one pursuit, plunging his lure as deep down as he can, avoiding the fish on the way down and grabbing it on the way back up. The lure's direction changes as soon as you hit a fish, meaning that there's a neat reverse of descend and avoid to ascend and grab, culminating in the catch catapulting out of the water and turning the experience into a piscine skeet shoot.
source: gamesindustry
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