Are you yet to taste Italian sausages???

Posted by maryparker on May 22nd, 2013

Remember the smell of the barbeques wafting through on your backyard on an idle Sunday? Or the taste of Sticky sausage wraps that your mom used to make for you? I don’t think anyone can ever need any introduction to what a sausage is if he was not staying away in the Neanderthal age till yesterday. Italian sausages are quite similar to the normal sausages but these are hotter in comparison to the normal mild sausages served in the US. The use of the red pepper flakes imbues the hotness which makes the sausages more appetizing. An Italian sausage is obviously made from pork but is then thoroughly seasoned with anise or fennel. This is however the primary seasoning which imparts the flavor to the sausages. The common misconception thus arises if the sweet sausages should be called Italian sausages as well? The answer is affirmative. The Sweet sausages are not gives the extra coating of the red pepper flakes.

The best thing about the Italian sausages is the versatile applications they can be used in. They are used in classics like Toad in the hall where the peas and mashed potatoes are cooked with the sausages and served with the thick onion gravy. They are common component of stews where the addition of beans to the pot increases the nutritional value many fold. If you want work on the appearance and flavor you have celeriac and kale to accompany your dish. These also have the capability to transform your plain pasta dish into a delicacy you cannot forget. The use judicious use of the right pesto is however recommended.

If you are in a hurry you can make homemade sausage rolls which are very easy to make but this delicious at he same time. Inclined to make a sweeter dish with Italian sausages? You can take up cider and apple sauce, and to make it a mouthwatering dish, you can add a little mustard. These sweet sausages can also be used in burgers with beetroot and leeks. There is another mouthwatering specialty that can be made simply by chopping up the sausages and coating them generously with honey. Be it duck, spaghetti or the common pizza of delight, the use of hot Italian sausages will surely change the dining experience to a more remembering one.

If you still want newer dishes to try out, there is always sausage bakes which have intrigued many chefs. Italian sausages also help you to innovate on your curry experience or the casserole sausages which used to enthrall your taste buds.

Finding the right type of sausage is indeed a daunting task, but Italian sausages from the Neapolitan’s are said to be the juiciest. The secret lies in their selection of parts from which the sausage would be made. The soft meat from the belly and the shoulders are the best for preparing sausages. This meat is then put into a natural sheath to help in its process of baking or frying. Salt and pepper are always a part of the spice mixture used in preserving the pork but preservatives like E262 also finds its use.

Italian pigs are carefully reared to maintain the quality and the taste of the sausages. Starting from the fodder to the machines used in production is thoroughly monitored to provide quality assurance. Following the epidemic of swine flu the farms are kept under even more strict vigil by the authorities.

“I used to help my granddaddy make sausage. He would mix it up in a cleaned-out washtub with his hands, no gloves. Man, if we did anything like that today, they would jack the jail up and throw us under.” said one of the farm managers.

The online delis that take in the sausages directly from the farms assure that their customers are not duped with putrescent pig meat. is one such Italian deli who bring in their shipments of sausages every week to ensure freshness.

The world of sausages is already quite big and lucrative and high chances are that you must have created some sausage delicacy to be shared with the world. In case you are looking for your next shipment of fresh sausages you can just order them from

Although most online delis believe in less work and more words, stands for good food delivered right up to your house. They are waiting….Happy Cooking!!!

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