Prostate Seed Implants Can Cure Prostate CompletelyPosted by CancerInformation on September 29th, 2013 Prostate cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer seen in American men. Due to the increased number of patients with prostate cancer around the world, new techniques have been developed to treat the condition with maximum effect. Radiation therapy has long been found as an effective treatment method for treating any form of cancer; however, radiation also destroys the healthy cells around the area which is often the cause of major side effects. In order to make radiation therapy more targeted new processes have been introduced; prostate seed implants is a new technique delivering precise doses of radiation to the cancerous prostate cells. This therapy is also known as Brachytherapy or internal radiation therapy. There are two types of this process; one is referred as permanent Brachytherapy, whereas the other one is marked as temporary Brachytherapy. These latest treatments of radiotherapy deliver high doses of radiation to targeted cells while causing minimum damage to the surrounding healthy cells. Permanent Prostate Seed Implants: In this case radioactive seeds, particularly iodine-125 or palladium-103 is implanted into the prostate with the help of ultra sound. The number of seeds to be implanted and their locations are determined by a computer generated treatment plan which is then customized according to the specific requirements of each patient. Usually in this process 40 to 100 radioactive seeds are implanted. The seeds remain within the prostate gland and in time they naturally become inert. Temporary prostate seed implants: In this technique, hollow needles are inserted into the prostate gland and are filled with radioactive elements such as iridium -192 for around 5-15 minutes. Once the process is complete the radioactive element as well as the needle is removed from the site. This process is repeated 2-3 times, waiting a week or more in between treatments. Get the best Brachytherapy The best treatment at the right time can fully cure prostate cancer, and in order to get the right treatment it is essential to consult renowned prostate cancer specialists. You can make an appointment with an experienced prostate cancer specialist at your nearest cancer care center.
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