Biomass Briquette Plant is Biodegradable And EconomicalPosted by Deepi on January 13th, 2014 Biomass briquette plant is highly growing due to biodegradable and cost factor. Biomass Briquetting is the process of converting low bulk density biomass feedstock into high density and energy concentrated biomass briquettes. Biomass Briquetting plants are of various sizes which converts biomass into solid fuels. Briquettes are best alternative to lignite, natural gas, black coal and other fossil fuels and used in brick kiln for thermal application. Biomass briquettes are biodegradable Source of energy, Eco friendly, Renewable in environment, non polluting and cost-effective. Biomass energy units can boost up our state’s industrial growth. India has great potential for setting up biomass based projects as rice husk; tea husk, paddy husk and other biomass feedstock are available in the plenty in the state. According to latest news, Gujarat can generate 2k MW power through biomass. To setting up this biomass briquetting plant government provides 60% subsidy for purchase this plant and briquetting machinery which is the great encouragement by Indian government. Briquette plant is an ideal bio fuel which is used to generate electricity and power where electricity is needed. Industries are polluting the environment at that time we have need of Eco friendly and cost effective bio fuel which is produced from biomass briquette press machine. Process of converting biomass feedstock to briquette is also biodegradable. No addition of any binder / chemicals is required so it is 100 % natural source of energy. Through this biomass briquette machine we can fulfill the need of biodegradable and economical fuel because this machine does not required sulfur or any binder in briquetting process. Biomass briquettes are completely opposite to black coal and also known as white coal in the industry. The popularity of this plant is rising day by day due to it is cheap than other fuel. Today, industrialists and any other people mostly prefer this plant because this plant has ability to fulfill people’s need. Presently, many briquetting plants are manufactured by briquetting press manufacturers and they are selling them at reasonable price. They have well knowledge about this machinery and equipment so they can make best briquetting machinery as per people’s or Industry’s need. It is very beneficial for agriculture and industrial sector. There are many uses of briquettes like it is used in brick industry, food processing industry and many others. Biomass briquettes are mostly used in villages because electricity and heat easily not available. We can do rapid growth of rural area through biomass briquettes. Like it? Share it!More by this author |