How To Choose The Best Audience Seating Arrangement

Posted by adortalukdar on January 19th, 2014

When staging important events, it is not only important to find the right venue, but the layout of the rooms and facilities can also contribute to the making or breaking of the event. There is a certain ambiance that is derived from the layout of the room, and it may be sometimes difficult to adjust. The parallels can be noticed in the ancient Chinese practice called fen-shui that relates building harmony between the human beings and the surrounding environment.

In addition to carefully choosing the venue for your event, particular attention must also be paid to the seating arrangement of the audience for the fight feng-shui and ultimately the enjoyment of the event. The seating arrangement can make a huge difference in the success of almost every event, whether it is a conference, a gala dinner, or a product launch, or a seminar. The audience will be invited to hear a message, and it is important to arrange the seating so that the impact of the message is maximized as much as possible.

The seating arrangement should be chosen so that is appropriate for the event, while seamlessly adopted to fitting in the venue. The simplest audience seating arrangement is the theater formation, where the chairs are arranged in horizontal rows that face a stage or podium. This formation is perhaps the most efficient arrangement, as all the seats face the same direction, and it is easy to achieve maximum capacity.

The disadvantage of this type of seating arrangement is that it can be an inconvenience when audience members are disturbed when others wish to leave or enter their seat. It is also uncomfortable to communicate or interact with other audience members as they are not facing each other. Since the seats are closely assembled together there is very provision for taking of notes, or the consumption of meals.

The classroom style seating arrangement is suitable for lectures and instructional training, and mirrors the arrangement found in lecture halls and auditoriums. With the addition of trestle tables and chairs, the audience can be able to take notes, or consume meals on dishware. The disadvantage, is that seating capacity is reduced because of the addition of the tables, but suitable audience interaction is limited as everyone faces the same direction. It is also difficult to leave and return to seats without disturbing neighboring members.

The herringbone arrangement is similar to the classroom arrangement, but the seats and accompanying tables are place in rows that angle toward the stage or podium. This arrangement is suitable for pie-shaped rooms, but is does not overcome the disadvantages noted with other formations. However, it can be used to make efficient use of space and can allow audience member to take notes, and consume tabled meals. With of the seats facing the same direction, it is easy to appreciate all attendees have the same amount of access to any messages that are being delivered.

Both the herringbone and classroom seating arrangements are effective placement for lecture and delivering instructions or in a learning environment. You can get more information from audience seating. You can also click here for more information.

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