Posted by tagthealexandergroup on January 20th, 2014

The following content is about a highly successful Non 12 Step Program for those who have had no success with conventional treatment centers or other 12 step methods. Those with a history of relapse or those who simply cannot overcome their self abuse habits.

The Alexander Group has been helping people for over 20 years. A small (no more than three at one time) and private program directed by its founder T Alexander Garrison. One on one 5 day session are available as well. The 5 day intense program gives people the tools to eliminate self abuse and treat themselves with the respect they are deserving of. We are NOT a rehab center. Our 5 day program is designed to restore self respect, identify one's strength's and design a productive life. We are dreams, plans and goals oriented.

Our success rate or 71% has not changed since the beginning. It has little to do with us but more with the people who have decided they have value and worth and want that restored in all aspects of their life. We all have the right to believe and have faith in what we choose to be fitting for us. That is seldom the problem. It is the opinion we have of ourselves that begins the downward spiral and as our self respect declines are self abuse generally increases.

We are one of the few programs that will openly admit we are not for everyone. Our interview is not complicated but personal. We do not sell a 'lifetime illness' as if that were the case there would be no recovery. People drink because they want to and any excuse other than that is simply an excuse. People take drugs because they want to. Both are escapes from reality and facing their distorted vision of who they are or in some cases who they are not. You are not a defective product. Your way of thinking has been misplaced. If you blame everyone other than yourself for where you are then I can assure you we are not for you. When you change your can change your life. We give you those tools.

Visit our website ( for an overview. Call us and we will be happy to speak with you. If you are prepared to change your life's course we would love being part of your new journey.

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About the Author

Joined: January 20th, 2014
Articles Posted: 1