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Posted by letusgame on March 12th, 2014

Enjoy Diablo Novels, Peripherals and Collectibles 
The Diablo work team made some perfect things in real life with the theme of the Angel of Death. They diablo 3 items look very amazing. Would you like to know about them?

SteelSeries Gaming Peripherals:

Diablo III Mouse - Arm yourself with this hand-held weapon and get ready to click some ass. 
Diablo III Headset - Sanctuary calls. Hear how amazing it sounds. 
Reaper of Souls QcK Mouse Pad - Emblazoned with the Angel of Death, this high quality cloth with an optimized surface ensures smoothness and precision (60% of the time, every time).

Books and Guides:

Diablo III: Reaper of Souls Signature Series Strategy Guide – This Signature Series Strategy Guide from BradyGames leads gamers through the sprawling streets of Westmarch to save the city, and all of Sanctuary, from a new threat.
Diablo III: Storm of Light – Written by Nate Kenyon, author of The Order, Storm of Light is a bridge between the events of Diablo III and the story that is to come in its first expansion, Reaper of Souls.
Diablo III: Book of Cain – In this gorgeous tome, renowned scholar Deckard Cain has combined excerpts, illustrations, and firsthand knowledge to pen a history of the world of Sanctuary.
Diablo III: Book of Tyrael – A worthy sequel to the Book of Cain, this elegant manuscript takes players even further into the universe of Diablo with a detailed and beautifully crafted artifact that focuses on the renowned champion Tyrael.
Burning Hells Journal & High Heavens Journal – From the Burning Hells to the High Heavens, these deluxe journals evoke dangerous visions and fantastic possibilities.
Sword of Justice Trade Paperpack – Previously released separately, all five issues of Diablo: Sword of Justice are now also available in one comprehensive, paperback volume.

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A Little Challenge Never Hurt Anyone

If you plan to stand a chance against the inevitable eradication of your pathetic human race, training should be your first priority. Another gift to you, my overconfident little nephalem, is the complete revision of the Difficulty system, offering a much more streamlined progression path for the hero in training. Beginners can start their journey in Normal difficulty and climb their way through Hard, Expert, Master, and Torment. The highest difficulties offer the best rewards, and you can challenge yourself further by advancing from Torment I through Torment VI. One need not worry about facing too small a challenge: foes now scale with players, eliminating the need to advance through particulardifficulties and Acts during your leveling experience.

Band Together - You'll Need the Help

Greater numbers are not always the solution to one's problems, but in your case, they certainly could not hurt. Clans and Communities cheapest diablo 3 items offer a variety of tools to organize your fellow champions, band together to take on greater challenges, or simply communicate your inevitable failures.

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Joined: December 13th, 2013
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