Why Would I Need a Dating Script for My Dating WebsitePosted by therapistboston on March 13th, 2014 This is a question commonly asked by many who wish to establish an online dating site; the question as to why exactly they may need a dating script in the first place. First let us begin by looking at this term… what exactly is a dating script? The script is the component of dating software that allows you to interact with the computer and it also creates the interactive platform that is so common in dating websites. After all, they are meant for lonely singles to meet each other and so there has got to be a way in which the website allows for such interactions; it is the dating script that creates this interactive nature. What’s in a Dating Script? Another very common topic that comes up is what comprises a dating script. Because well, many buy the software intending for it to create the interactive nature of the dating website so what is it about a dating script? Actually, many dating software come integrated with the script right within the package. The script is important for several reasons: Earning revenue It is the dating script that comes already enabled with the money making avenues you may use when running the dating website. All that is left to you is to select a channel and all the rest is handled by the script. What’s more, many of the scripts being developed currently are coming with better less-known money earning channels and this goes a long way to give your website the edge it needs to set it apart from all other dating websites. Categorization of the database No need to put the member in categories manually, the script will automatically do this as the member enters data into their profile. This makes things much simpler and searching for a potential match even becomes easier and much more accurate. Matchmaking suggestions The dating script will give you suggestions on who could be a perfect match for you from among the members already in the website’s system. This is enabled by the categorization of members and is a very efficient method as you may even take your pick from the suggestions rather than do the searching yourself. Also, this is a great ability when the database is too large. User interface User interface is what enables users interact with the computer. Most dating software make use of simple open source language which eliminates the need to downgrade or upgrade the data to a language that either the user or the machine can understand. Concluding Remarks Dating script is just as important as the dating software and when buying the package, pay close attention to the components of the script; as from here, you can tell the success or failure your site could end up being. Select a good script in a good dating software package and all the rest will be easy peasy; you will be smiling all the way to the bank Like it? Share it!More by this author |