Advantages Of Using Oil Transfer Pump
Posted by wvodesigns on April 1st, 2014
Oil transfer pump is a hydraulic pump which is used in hydraulic drive systems, and it can be either hydrostatic or hydrodynamic. The hydrostatic pumps are fixed pumps that are of two types. In that one is a positive displacement pump in which the displacement cannot be adjusted and another one is the variable displacement pump in which the displacement is adjustable. The variable displacement pump has a complex design in it.
Types of hydraulic pumps
- Gear pumps – these are the simple economic pump which will run by mashing up with a gear tooth in it. The meshing will force the oil entering into the pump to get pressurized through the outlet nozzle.
- Rotator vane pumps – these pumps have higher efficiency than the gear pumps ,but are still used for the purposes that work on a pressure range of 180 bars in general.
- Screw pumps – the screw pumps consist of two Archimedes screw mashing up with each other and will pressurize the oil at a low pressure of maximum 100 bars. There are different types of screw pumps and are
1. Single end
2. Double end
3. Single rotor
4. Multi rotor timed
5. Multi rotor untimed
- Bent axis pumps– These pumps have a bent axis in it and are able to work in a pressure of about 350 – 420 bars
- Radial piston pumps – Thesepumps use as a high pressure of about 650 bars generally.
Advantages of oil transfer pumps
- The positive displacement pumps are capable of pumping from a depth of 17000ft which any other pump can never do.
- Changing the power fluid rate of the pump will vary the production from 10 to 100 percentages.
- Heated power fluids or diluents added positive displacement pumps will handle vicious oils very well.
- Corrosion control is possible by injecting corrosion control fluid into the pumps.
- Salt buildups are solved easily by adding just water to the pump.
- Changing the power fluid rate to the pump will optimize the speed up to 20 to 85 percentages.
Hydraulic pumps are used worldwide to operate in different environments to get the best result in pumping out the oils. These high quality oil transfer pumps have to be taken good care and serviced periodically to get best out of it. Buying the pumps from the best manufacturers and dealers online will assure good quality.
About The Company:
WVO Designs has been in the alternative fuel industry since 2008. Their mission has been to serve the alternative fuel community by providing high quality products at exceptional value. They have developed some very efficient and extraordinarily effective WVO centrifuges, pumps & conversion systems.