Tips How to Plant Lima Beans and Swiss Chard @

Posted by The Gardening Dad on November 11th, 2020

Do you love gardening and thinking to plant lima beans and Swiss chard? If yes is your answer then The Gardening Dad is your one-stop solution and today in this article, we will discuss the topic of lima beans and Swiss chard gardening tips and ideas. If you are wondering how to plant lima beans then you need to know that it is similar to growing string beans. All you need to have is some good well-prepared soil, heat, sunshine and as well as few months from seed to harvest.

What Are Lima Beans?

Lima beans also are known as butter beans or chads are tasty and big legumes that are delicious fresh, frozen or canned, and have a texture which is starchy yet buttery. Lima beans pack a nutritional punch and have a flower which is delicate and used in many different varieties of recipes. Even though it is very tough to find lima beans fresh but canned and frozen lima beans will be available all across the year which makes gardening as easy as other green beans plantation.

When & How To Plant Lima Beans?

Growing lima beans require nice warm and sunny conditions and the pods will take approximately 60 to 90 days to mature in preferred temperature of around 21C i.e. 70 degrees Fahrenheit. As lima beans are frost tender annuals, choosing the time for planting lima beans is very important and you should also know when to harvest lima beans to avoid woody and bitter pods.

What Is Swiss Chard?

Swiss chard is considered as a close relative of beets and is often grown as a summer substitute for spinach because of it's a high tolerance for hot temperature. Swiss chards can also withstand cool temperatures and also be grown from early spring season right up to Frost.

How To Plant Swiss Chard?

You need to have well-drained soil to plant Swiss chard because it prefers good soil, full sun or light shade. In the north, you need to plant from early spring to midsummer for a fall crop and in the south, you need to sow in fall to spring. Sow the seeds in the right way where the seeds must be 18 inches apart and half inch deep in rows spaced. Sow the thin seedlings to 12 inches apart when they are big enough to handle when grown.

The Gardening Dad is the most reputable website which is created by the gardening enthusiastic named Paul for all those people who love gardening. Paul loves writing and shares best gardening ideas in a simple, easy and cost-friendly way. To know more information and other details about The Gardening Dad please visit our website here:

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The Gardening Dad
Joined: August 5th, 2020
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