Associate the bed with sleep, not anxiety

Posted by Waqas Ali on November 13th, 2020

The important thing is to rediscover the pleasure of going to bed, without systematically associating the bed with insomnia. How to do? Meta-Coaching is there for that.

serrurier perpignan

It's time to go to bed. .. And the war begins! Many children refuse to go to bed. It seems to them like a punishment, a moment when we separate from them, when they find themselves alone. The simple words "bed" and "sleep" become synonymous with near-misfortune ... Finally, the war waged by the insomniacs is quite similar. The bed becomes a word loaded with anguish, which is accompanied by the refrain "I will not be able to sleep; this is going to be hell". When we suffer from chronic insomnia, we surrender to the lack of sleep. We set up negative thought patterns, convinced that we are going to sleep badly. It is a vicious circle: we sleep badly because we are anxious or tense and our insomnia becomes a new source of anxiety.

A moment of serenity before bedtime

It is therefore essential to successfully identify these thought patterns. What stressor is causing my insomnia and what goes through my head at bedtime? This is the best way to find the serenity necessary for sleep and not to associate the bed with punishment. The behavioral and cognitive therapies developed by our aim exactly for this objective: to carry out playful and pleasant work on the emotions to understand what prevents us from sleeping, to positively change our ways of thinking and to succeed in changing our behavior. The goal is to get back to sleep.

How to sleep well in bed

This work on oneself is accompanied by advice allowing going quietly towards sleep, without tension. For example, don't force yourself to stay in bed if you don't get sleep, but rather get up and pick up a book to let the body calm down. Or learn to set aside half an hour of your time for a calm activity before going to bed. When negative thoughts arise during this quiet moment, like "I'm going to sleep badly, I'm not going to get there", we will gradually learn to replace them with positive ideas.. For example: “Here, I'm finally giving myself a moment. I breathe, take the opportunity to take a hot bath or read. The present moment is good, let the negative thoughts and stressors cross my mind and then go away, I will have plenty of time to think back to work tomorrow”. It's not easy, but it's not that complicated! With some help and patience, bedtime just becomes fun again.

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Waqas Ali

About the Author

Waqas Ali
Joined: August 24th, 2020
Articles Posted: 4

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