An Easy to Read SEO Audit Report

Posted by Sarah Addyson on November 19th, 2020

Talking to a technician is never an easy task. No matter what sort of problems people may have to deal with, as soon as the tech starts to talk, it seems more serious than it may really be because it is very hard to understand what they are saying. This is why it is important to find a solution that is easier to grasp and thus it will be easier to enjoy the benefits. A SEO audit is a part of the process that will analyze every aspect of the site before launching a market strategy over the web, but it has to deliver a SEO audit report that is easy to read to create a clear image about the facts.

What Is a SEO Audit?

Auditing is a very common process in any business. Owners turn to this to review just about any part of their activity and they have to deliver answers that will lead to improvements. The activity of the company site over the web is a big part of a business and a  SEO audit  can provide a wide range of answers that can help improve it. This is a challenging world and it is full of obstacles so people must use all the solutions they have at hand to set things on the right track from the start.

The most important parts of a SEO audit are to determine what is wrong and what must be done to set it right. It seems easy at first, but when people start talking to a technician about it, things start to look grim even if they are not. This happens because of the language barrier between the person who knows the technical aspects of the issues and the one who has no idea about what is going on with it. This is a barrier that must be eliminated so people can understand this process.

This is why the results of a SEO audit have to be as simple as possible so every person can learn the details about their current situation and the steps that must be taken to improve it. This is not so easy to do for a technician, but there are a few solutions that can lead to a better result. Instead of using tools found over the web that use the same tech language, people should turn to a team of experts that are able to deliver answers that can be easily understood by their beneficiaries.

The Final SEO Audit Report

At the end of an audit a report must be presented that will include all the details that matter for the beneficiary, but the presentation is just as important as the information it includes. The SEO audit report must be put together by technicians that are able to spot the current issues, but at the same time the information has to be presented in a manner that is easy to understand by people with no technical skills. Here are a few examples of how such a report should be constructed.

The first part of any  SEO audit report  should focus on the problems. Even if a company site may seem great, there are always things that can go wrong. This is why experts have to present:
1. The major issues that have to be addressed as soon as possible
2. The moderate problems that have to be fixed before a strategy is launched
3. The good aspects of the site that should not be modified in the process
4. Recommendations for the aspects that can improve the optimization of the site

The second aspect that must be included in the SEO audit report is an analysis of the competition. People know their competitors, but they are not aware of their activity over the web. Experts take the time to find out more about the methods they use, the results they get and the exposure they have in terms of search engine rankings. When people find out the details about the aspects that matter to them about their competition, it is easy for them to understand the necessity of SEO.

Before launching a strategy that will improve the rankings in search engine queries, a key aspect would be to find out how visitors can reach the company site. Keywords are the ones that help with this and they have to be chosen properly. Based on the activity of the competition and other online sources, keywords can be grouped by volume search, by website positioning, by website traffic and so on. It is important to find the ones that are suited for the profile of the business.

Even if the right keywords have been found, they have to be integrated properly in the content that will be posted. A copyright check will make sure that the information found on the site of the company respects the terms imposed by search engines in terms of originality, consistency and so on. This is the first tool that will help the site earn better ranks in search engine queries and it has to be handled by the best. The report should include a few options to improve this aspect as well.

Once all the aspects have been analyzed, it is time to draw conclusions. Experts have pointed out what is wrong and what can be improved to optimize the site for search engines, but at the end of the report a step by step plan should be included about the ideal options to achieve the desired goals. This is not something that can happen overnight, but a solid effort and constant work can lead to an organic growth. This is the solution to improve the activity of a business over the web.

Now people can see why a SEO audit is necessary before coming up with a strategy to boost the online activity of a business, but it is important to understand the results. This is why you should get in touch with a team of professionals that can deliver a SEO audit report about the current problems and the future solutions.

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Sarah Addyson

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Sarah Addyson
Joined: October 26th, 2018
Articles Posted: 815

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