Civil war artwork prints

Posted by zemesangel on November 23rd, 2020

Civil war artwork prints - Newson Publishing provide civil war artwork prints, history graphic novels and participation dated 2021 calendar where you can get easily.

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All canvas and paper print orders get a free African American South and North soldier civil war participation dated 2021 calendar.

Uncle Gregory has started entering art shows which he’s just want to SeaCoast Artist Guild of South Carolina1st place prize. Many of the pictures on this web site will have been in art shows or will in the coming future. We hopes to this web site collection a worthy investment.

It’s Time That Americans to Cease Acting like Victims;
Uncle Gregory believes a good artist should provoke thought; The Principle of Polarity, as taught by the ancient mystics, was that everything is dual, everything has two poles, and everything has its own pair of opposites.
For example, the opposite of North is South, the opposite of black is white. if all manifested things have two sides, two aspects, or two poles,

Colonel Robert Gould Shaw

Colonel Robert Gould Shaw (1837-1863) was the young white Civil War Union army officer who commanded Black Union troops during the American Civil War, he rode at the head of his men. The very flower of grace and chivalry, he seemed to me beautiful and awful, as an angel of God come down to lead the host of freedom to victory.” To lead a Union regiment comprised of an all-black 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry. Colonel Shaw led an attack on Fort Wagner, a Confederate stockade blocking the entrance to Charleston, Virginia.

He, Colonel Robert Gould Shaw was killed while leading a fierce but unsuccessful charge by his troops on the sand and earth parapets of Fort Wagner on Morris Island near Charleston, South Carolina, on July 18, 1863. The 54th Massachusetts lost many men that day, with a casualty rate of over 50% 350+ black soldiers, and only 12 Confederate soldiers died. The unit was chosen because they were thought of simply as cannon fodder. And numerous other black units in the Union Army for the remainder of the war.
Charleston Harbor’s Morris Island is smaller than 1,000 acres and is subject to extensive erosion by storm and sea. Much of the previous site of Fort Wagner has been eroded away, including the place where the black Union soldiers had been buried. However, by the time this had happened, the soldiers’ remains were no longer there because soon after the end of the Civil War, the Army disinterred and reburied all the remains—including, presumably, those of Col. Shaw—at the Beaufort National Cemetery in Beaufort, South Carolina, where their gravestones were marked as “unknown.”

Newson Publishing
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