How to eat the best pho in VictoriaPosted by phohalong on November 25th, 2020 Among all the amazing Vietnamese delicacies that have won the heart of foodies all over the world, pho is the one that enjoys the most popularity. Pristine white rice noodles and a hearty broth makes pho the food for your soul. It not just fills your hungry tummy, but also your heart. But, before digging into the next bowl of the best pho in Victoria, ask yourself whether you’re eating it the right way. So, here are some of tips on the right ways to have pho. Using the veggies and herbs in pho At the restaurant, you can expect to find all kinds of veggies and herbs at the table to add to your pho, and make it even more delicious than ever. So, you might find bean sprouts and basil, along with chili peppers, coriander or cilantro, and green onions. When it comes to pho, it is best to rip up the herbs and veggies a bit before adding them to the broth. Ripped up herbs will give you better flavors than submerging entire leaves in the broth. The play among all kinds of veggies, the broth, and the noodles is what makes the dish so tempting. Adding condiments to your pho It is common practice to have a number of sauces at the table when you are having pho. You will find fish sauce, sriracha, and so on to add to the broth. However, the thing about pho is that the delicious and wholesome broth is something to be savored. The best kind of pho will not need much of any of the sauces because it will be so delicious on its own. So, resist yourself from blasting the dish with all kinds of spicy and sweet sauces. Keep the addition of sauces to a minimum. The way to have pho from the bowl Let’s say you are right-handed, so this is how you should be digging into that hearty bowl of pho. When the bowl comes, take the chopsticks in your right hand and the soup spoon in the left. Take sips of the broth first, and then, use the chopsticks for picking up the noodles. It will help you take the right hit of all the aromas and flavors, minus any mess. You can raise the bowl of broth to your lips using both hands, after the noodles are eaten, to finish it off. It is not impolite, but rather shows your appreciation for the food. Are you ready to taste the best pho in Victoria and test your newfound knowledge about the dish? Without further delay, head over to Pho Halong in Victoria today and have your fill. Denial Mark is the Author of this Article.To know more about Best Pho Victoria please visit our Like it? Share it!More by this author |