5 signs that they are just not that into you

Posted by Adam Smith on November 25th, 2020

The worst thing you can have happen to is to be led on. And unfortunately, a lot of people are victims of this. It’s a practice that has been used by both men and women, since the beginning of time. People lead other people both because they are bored, or lonely, or insecure and need the extra affirmation. And it can happen to anyone. Anyone is a victim of being played with no intent of being serious. From your best friend who you had a crush on since you were kids or the person you just matched on thebest hookup sites. By the time you realize what’s going on, your whole world is shattered, and you’re left to look like an idiot. But fear no more because here are 5 signs that you can use to tell if they are just not that into you.

#5- Slow relationship, or no relationship[ at all

What are the signs of a slow relationship? They take hours to reply to your text. Any interest is often one-sided, with you constantly being the one asking about them or making plans to see them. Then again, what’s worse than a slow relationship is no relationship. Meaning one doesn’t exist, besides of course, in your imagination.

#4- it’s never a date, just “hanging out”.

They never refer to the time you spend together as a date. Rather just “two people hanging out”. If that’s the case then you should question whether or not this person is in fact interested in you the way you are in them.

#3- No sexual or physical interaction

If all you do is just talk about common issues and private matters, with the complete absence of sexual relations or even the occasional sexual exchange, then chances are one of is not feeling that way towards the other. This is especially true if you’ve been in each other’s lives for a while now, and still no go. 

#2- They’re seeing other people

Probably a deal-breaker huh? However, people can see other people, while still showing interest and affection towards someone else. But if your crush or match or whoever is seeing someone else, with no signs of relationship slowing down, then chances are you may not cause that to change anytime soon.

#1- “As a friend”

The daunting three words every person fears to hear in their life. There is no more common, or subtle,  way to let someone down nicely then to use those three fretful words. If they like you as a friend then buddy they’re just not that into you.


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Adam Smith

About the Author

Adam Smith
Joined: November 25th, 2020
Articles Posted: 1