Know about General dentistry in Melbourne and its treatment

Posted by Richmond Family Dental on November 26th, 2020

Many people think that their teeth are shabby and it's embarrassing to go to a dentist, but don't you think it's sad that you don't have confidence in your mouth and can't smile? General dentistry Melbourne treats tooth decay and periodontal disease.

In General dentistry Melbourne, we mainly treat tooth decay and periodontal disease. If you leave the tooth decay, it will not heal and will progress steadily. Eventually, you will not be able to leave your teeth, and you will have to extract them, so treatment at an early stage is important.

Even if you leave the previously treated stuffing and coverings removed, the condition will get worse and worse. Even if there is no pain, tooth decay may have progressed, so it is recommended that you see the doctor as soon as possible.

What is the general dental treatment?

As the name implies, it is a general treatment for the mouth dentist Richmond. Roughly speaking, it is a general dental treatment that does not require specialized or special treatment techniques. Typical treatments include treatment of tooth decay, treatment of periodontal disease, and treatment of hyperesthesia.

Progression and symptoms of tooth decay


It is a symptom that the part called enamel on the surface of the tooth becomes cloudy. No treatment is required as the tooth decay is about to occur, and the tooth structure has not been destroyed. Many people come to the hospital because they are worried about their appearance, but there are almost no symptoms, such as pain or swelling.

Early tooth decay (enamel caries)

It is tooth decay that lacks the outermost enamel. There are few symptoms such as pain, and if the part that has been applied is sharp, the mucous membrane and tongue may be damaged. The sharp parts can be treated by polishing, but if there is no problem with the appearance, no treatment is necessary. However, since dirt easily collects on the chipped part, careful brushing is required to prevent the development of tooth decay.

Moderate caries 

It is a state in which tooth decay extends to the part called dentin inside the enamel. Dentin has a structure like a collection of tubes called dentin tubules, which affect nerves through these tubes, causing symptoms such as cold stains and pain when hit by a toothbrush. The dentin is soft, and the caries bacteria progress rapidly as they enter the dentin canaliculus, so early treatment is required.

Severe caries 

If the caries is left unattended for a long period of time, the caries bacteria infect the pulp inside the tooth. Infected nerves cannot be cured and must be removed altogether. When the nerves are alive, they cause severe pain and tend to be especially severe at night.

It may be painless if the previous caries is large and the nerves die spontaneously, or if the previously treated root disease recurs, it can cause pain if left untreated. Since the pain after the root canal grows is protracted, it is necessary to perform root canal treatment (root canal treatment) as soon as it is found by X-ray photography.

Residual root

It has large cavities, and almost no healthy tooth substance remains. If left untreated, it will become a nest of dental caries and may adversely affect the whole body, so tooth extraction is required. Similarly, it is necessary to extract teeth that have broken.

Root canal treatment (root canal treatment)

· Removal of cavities: If you leave the part that has become cavities, the infection will spread from there, so remove it carefully.

· Removal of contents: Remove all pulp if it remains, and all preservatives that have already been filled in the root-treated tooth.

· Root canal formation: We will remove the infected tooth substance in the root canal wall. While adjusting the shape of the roots, carefully check that there are no leftovers in the contents.

· Disinfection: Disinfect the inside of the roots with a bactericidal agent. The roots may be filled with disinfectant, covered with a temporary lid, and watched for days to weeks.

· Root canal filling: Once the roots are clean, fill them with preservatives to keep out bacteria. Be careful not to let saliva get in.

· Installation of the base: Once the roots have been well treated, we are ready to cover them. Attach the base, arrange the shape, and mold the covering.

· Complete: The treatment is complete when the covering is properly engaged and put on. Even if there is a problem, it is difficult for you to have subjective symptoms, so get regular maintenance.

Treatment after tooth extraction

It is important to make a comprehensive judgment based on your symptoms and the advantages and disadvantages of each and select a treatment method.

· bridge

· Dentures (dentures)

· Implant


A bridge is a treatment method in which the teeth before and after the extracted tooth are shaved and connected like a bridge.

Based on the remaining teeth, the three consecutive artificial teeth are fixed with adhesive, so you can chew like your own teeth. The bridge only scrapes the teeth and does not perform surgical treatment on the gums, so even those who could not perform implant surgery can receive treatment. This treatment is recommended for those who are afraid of surgery, such as cutting gums or cutting bones.

Benefits of the bridge

· Because it is a fixed type, it feels like your own teeth.

· Insurance can be applied depending on the place where you have lost your teeth and the material used.

· By connecting teeth, the biting force can be dispersed.

· No need for surgery.

Disadvantages of the bridge

· You have to sharpen the healthy teeth that form the foundation.

· If many teeth are missing, the bridge cannot be used.

· Insurance cannot be applied to bridges that use materials similar to natural teeth.

· It is easy for things to get caught between the teeth and the gums.

Dentures (dentures)

A denture is a device that uses artificial teeth attached to a place where there are no teeth. Without teeth, food is hard to chew, and words are hard to hear. In addition, difficulty in chewing may affect general health.

Benefits of dentures (dentures)

· Depending on the material used, it can be created within the scope of insurance coverage.

· No need for surgery.

· It can be used when there are other diseases.

· Easy to adjust and correct.

Disadvantages of dentures (dentures)

· Food may get caught in the gaps, causing a sense of discomfort.

· The biting force is weaker than that of natural teeth.

· In the case of full dentures covered by insurance, the taste and touch of meals may be impaired.

· In the case of full dentures covered by insurance, it may be difficult to talk, or you may feel discomfort when wearing them.

Richmond Family Dental provides thorough counseling before treatment, such as treating small cavities too large cavities and diseases related to the oral cavity and providing kind and polite explanations to patients. We will propose the most suitable treatment method and improvement method for patients.

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Richmond Family Dental
Joined: November 26th, 2020
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