Signs that tell you deficiency of Vitamin B12 is a water soluble vitamin. This i

Posted by Jivan Setu on November 29th, 2020

Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin. This is precisely the reason why it should be taken externally along with the nutritious food that a person eats. It is also known as cobalamin. It is very important because it helps to produce the red blood cells as well as the genetic material in a person. It is also involved in the functioning of the nervous system. In this text, we are going to take a look at some signs which indicate a deficiency of vitamin B12.

Vitamin B12 deficiency is very common in senior people. If you do not acquire enough vitamin B12 from your diet then you are at the risk of this deficiency as well. Sometimes due to some health conditions, the body is not able to absorb this vitamin from the food that we eat. This is also the reason why some people suffer from vitamin B12 deficiency.

A high-risk group of vitamin B12 deficiency includes senior people, people who have recently undergone surgery that removes the part of the gut which is responsible for absorbing B12, people on diabetes drugs, vegan people and people who are taking long-term antacids.

Another interesting thing about vitamin B12 deficiency is that its symptoms take an enormous time to show up completely. Diagnosing the symptoms is complex and it can often be mistaken for a folate deficiency also.

Now that we know a little bit about vitamin B12 and its deficiency let us take a look at some of its signs:

Fatigue and weakness

These are some of the most common signs of a vitamin B12 deficiency. Usually the signs occur because when the body does not have enough of this vitamin, it cannot produce the required amount of red blood cells which helps in transporting oxygen in the entire body. When oxygen is not transported throughout the body a person tends to feel tired.

In senior people, such an anaemia is caused by an autoimmune disorder which is called pernicious anaemia. People with this condition are not able to produce a protein known as intrinsic factor. This protein is responsible for preventing a B12 deficiency.

Jaundiced Skin

This is also a very common symptom of a B12 deficiency. Such people look pale and they may have a yellowish tinge to the skin and eyes. This condition is known as jaundice. It is also associated with lesser production of red blood cells in the body. As mentioned above, vitamin B12 is responsible for the production of DNA. This DNA instructs the formation of red blood cells. When the DNA is not present the red blood cell formation also does not take place. This type of anaemia is known as megaloblastic anaemia.

In this condition, the red blood cells are too large to move out of the bone marrow. The cells are also very fragile and they break down to release bilirubin. This is a pigment that causes the yellowish colour of the skin and the eyes.


Difficulty in breathing properly is also associated with the B12 deficiency. When you exert yourself you might feel a little dizzy and short of breath. This usually takes place because there are not enough red blood cells for the transport of oxygen. Unfortunately, the symptoms may have several other underlying causes. Therefore, the doctor will have to investigate the cause quite extensively.

Mouth ulcers

In a B12 deficiency, people also experience inflammation on the tongue. If glossitis occurs, the tongue changes the colour and shape. It is a painful condition. The tastebuds stretch out and they disappear. This condition may also pose difficulty in eating and speaking normally. According to several studies, long straight lesions and inflammation on the tongue may be an early sign of a vitamin B12 deficiency.

Some other symptoms associated with this disease are ulcers, itching, burning and a feeling of pins and needles in the tongue and other regions of the mouth.

Improper vision

People with a B12 deficiency have also reported blurred or disturb the version. This is usually the result of damage to the optic nerve which is a very important nerve leading to the eyes. The damage may disrupt the signals which travel from the eye to the brain. This results in improper vision and the condition is referred to as optic neuropathy. This condition is usually reversible when the person begins taking the B12 supplements.

Due to its tricky nature of the diagnosis, a vitamin B12 deficiency may go and diagnosed for a very long time. Moreover, the symptoms of this deficiency also take a very long time to appear. As such, one must ensure that they eat a nutritious diet which contains all the food options rich in vitamin B12. This vitamin is found in animal foods including fish, poultry, eggs, meat and dairy. One can also buy fortified foods to complete their requirements.

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Jivan Setu
Joined: November 16th, 2020
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