A Composite Guide About Orthodontic Procedures

Posted by Nakfoor Orthodontics on November 30th, 2020

Orthodontics in Des Plaines to begin with is a branch of dentistry that focuses on correcting common orthodontic problems such as crowded teeth, buck teeth, and gaps between teeth. Now, an orthodontist in Nileson the other hand is an oral care provider who corrects these bite problems using a variety of orthodontic procedures. Therefore, in this post, we have listed the top 4 most common types of orthodontic procedures.


The Invisalign treatment is a highly popular treatment among teens and adults alike for straightening the teeth. In this treatment, a patient is expected to wear a set of clear plastic aligners for close to 20-22 hours per day. These trays are usually changed every two weeks and overtime the aligner slowly starts shifting the teeth into their correct position thus straightening the smile. The Invisalign aligners broadly offer two major advantages. Firstly, these aligners are removable and therefore it is recommended to remove them when eating or drinking. Secondly, the Invisalign trays are practically invisible and thus are far less noticeable.

Traditional Braces

Traditional metal braces have been a highly effective orthodontic treatment since the early 1900s. In this treatment, the brackets are usually attached to the teeth and are linked to the wire. These wires in turn pull the teeth into their correct position. The traditional braces apart from being extremely effective are actually quite affordable and less time-consuming as well. Additionally, with the advancement in dental technology people, these days have the option of opting for tooth-colored braces as well which are actually far less visible.

Palatal Expanders

The palatal expanders are a type of orthodontic appliance that is commonly worn to increase or widen the width of the upper jaw. These appliances are usually worn for several months and as such fit over the roof of the mouth. Over time these expanders help the new bone between the two halves of the upper jaw to stabilize and mature.


In case of severe misalignment, orthodontists, in general, prescribe a headgear to their patients. Now, a headgear, to begin with, is a device that is attached to a metal wire in the front and set at the back of the head. The headgears usually play a fundamental role in correcting the misalignment of the jaw as they slow the growth of the upper jaw and hold the back teeth exactly where they are while the front teeth are being pulled back. Since headgears are infamous for being a little uncomfortable it is usually advisable to visit an orthodontist in Niles regularly during the course of this treatment.


If you are looking to get orthodontic in Des Plaines treatment, then consider contacting Nakfoor Orthodontics today.


Dan Wilson is the author of this article. For more details about Braces Treatment in Park Ridge please visit our website: nak4smiles.com

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Nakfoor Orthodontics
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