How to Improve Cognitive Function

Posted by ZaidinButt on November 30th, 2020

Is the brain really trainable? Do we really use only about 10% of it? Is there a hidden potential that lies in our brains that we are unaware of? Do we really know so little of the human brain in general? Can you bring out your brain's hidden potential? In this article, we're going to break down all truths and all the falsehoods surrounding the mysterious brain, focusing on answering the question that has everybody buzzing – Is it possible to improve cognitive abilities? Stay tuned for the surprising findings.

First off, let's start by eliminating the long time running myth which states that we only use about 10% of our brains - which leaves us speculating we have a supernatural potential that can be unlocked. This is 100% a false belief – we use our entire brain, but not all of it at once. Using 100% percent of our brain at a given moment is actually impossible, as it requires an immense amount of energy our body simply can't provide, and such theoretical situation necessarily entails death. In practice, our brain constantly uses a dynamic portion of itself, with changing brain regions for every task and need. When we read and listen to music at the same time, for example, different areas will be activated compared to when we sleep or perform a complex mathematical task.

Next up, let's address another common belief – do we really know that little of the human brain? The answer is pretty straight forward on this one, and it is a strong yes. We do know very little of it, although our understanding improves with every year. Because we know so little, it is hard or nearly impossible to reverse brain injuries or damaged brain processes; however, we do know there are certain approaches one might take in order to enhance cognitive performance, whether it is normal maintenance or aiming to improve aging-induced cognitive decline.

So, how to improve cognitive thinking? Here are few of the easiest actions to take in order to improve cognitive skills, in both the young and the elderly:

1. Physical exercise can't go wrong. Even a 30 minutes workout session or just a walk on the beach for 3-4 times a week can do miracles. If you're not that sportive, but you're into motion, dancing is the perfect choice for you, as it involves physical effort, cardio, and enhanced coordination skills which increases the brain's plasticity.

2. Go for a better diet. Make sure your diet is balanced, all of the necessary nutritionals make the cat, and that your body isn't deprived of anything.

3. Brain training – it's real, and it's working. Brain training usually involves computer program sessions and focuses on forming new brain cell connections, which enables brain fluidity and plasticity. This may result in enhanced cognitive performance, which may bear fruit in everyday life tasks involving memory, learning, decision making and more.

To conclude, our brain does not hold an astonishing potential we're unaware of, but its function can certainly be significantly improved.

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Joined: November 30th, 2020
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