5 Ways To Clear Disk Space On MacPosted by sophia on November 30th, 2020 Even if you have purchased a new Mac system recently, there’s a very high probability that the disk space of your Macbook will get filled up pretty soon than you actually expected. But the good thing is that there are a lot of ways to clear up your disk space easily & get your disk space up & working again & we will be discussing 5 such ways to do it here in this article. The first & the most obvious step in this very situation is to clear up your disk space by manually deleting the big old files that are present in your Mac, but it won't take you much far as there are a lot of other unwanted things in your Mac that you absolutely don’t want & it is taking a huge chunk of space & also making your Mac sluggish. Clearing Up Disk Space The Simple WayIf you are not in the mood of spending a huge amount of time and resources clearing out your disk space manually, then you can simply download the data or disk cleaning utility applications to get over all the temp files & unused applications, several language files & other unused files which you might not need anymore. Theyhave got every feature that we are going to talk about in brief in this article, so it's your easy way out if you don’t have the patience to do everything manually yourself. Removing the Duplicate FilesOne of the biggest threats to your disk space in Mac is through spreading of duplicate files over the years of use. It can literally take up a lot of space in your Mac, especially if you are using it for a long time now. So the best way to clear it out is to download a good utility app for finding & deleting duplicate files in your Macbook. Vacating your Trash folderIt’s the same as the Recycle Bin that you find on Windows. All the files that you temporarily delete are found in the Trash folder of your Mac. So you need to empty these trash cans if you want to free up a lot of disk space in your Mac as over the years a lot of temporary files could just be piling up in your trash can without any further use. And there is more than one trash can in your Mac, so you need to find all of them & clear them out one by one manually to get the maximum advantage. Uninstalling the applications you don’t needAll the various applications that you generally install on your Mac also takes up a lot of space on your Mac. And it's pretty obvious that one person doesn’t use all the applications present in their system, some of them are just present there without any use. So if you want to clear up your disk space to a good extent you need to uninstall these applications which you don’t need anymore & you will see a lot of your disk space is void again. Deleting the Temporary filesThere’s a good chance that there will be a huge amount of temporary files present in your Mac that you have absolutely no need for. It happens because when you generally start browsing on your Mac, your system starts making a lot of cache files & starts saving it in your Mac itself. These files help you to load up the pages in your browser a bit faster, offer suggestions and save a part of users information than usual but deleting them also won't make much of a difference. So in order to delete all the temporary & cache files in your Mac, you can do it manually too but you won't ever be able to find all the temporary files yourself & it's too time taking also at the same time. So instead of doing it manually, your best bet is to install a dedicated application such as CleanMyMac for this job which will do it quite effectively & efficiently. Clearing Out the Language FilesWhatever applications you might have installed or downloaded on your Mac, generally comes in dozens of languages. This is because it gives you the preference of using any language of your choice in your future if you need to change it. But the thing is that most people just use one language for their applications, so the other language files just take up a lot of space in your Mac without any use. And if you are having a low storage disk space in your Mac, every megabyte count so you can go on & delete these language files of all the applications that you absolutely don’t need. Here is a bonus step for you cause you continued this far! Delete the Large Attachments in your Macbook MailBy any chance, if you are using the already built-in mail application for your Mac, which is generally the case with the majority of people, then you need to take this step pretty seriously. This is because it could take up a lot of space in your disk, sometimes in gigabytes too. So this is a good chance for you to check up on all the big attachments in your mail & clear it up if you don’t need it anymore. And also you can choose the option of not downloading all the attachments in your emails automatically to further save up some more space in the future & where you don’t have to look at all the big attachments to delete them. And we are done. So these were the 5 steps to clear out disk space on Mac that I wanted to share with you. If you are still facing issues regarding the disk space then you can try to move your media files to any external drive or even a cloud storage. This will clear out a lot of data from the local disk but at the same time you will also have your files present with you. Hope it helps. Thanks for reading! Like it? Share it! |