Top-Notch Artificial Intelligence Patent Search Services

Posted by Shrikant Sharma on December 2nd, 2020

When it comes to artificial intelligence patent search services, Ensemble IP is your best bet. This is because the company has a time-tested reputation in the best artificial intelligence patent search solutions and carefully studies the very latest artificial intelligence or AI technologies and techniques along with the process of their implementation into various products and other widespread industry-wide applications simultaneously. Artificial intelligence is the main driver of innovation and growth for more than 35 global industries including medicine, healthcare, telecommunications, transportation, software, hardware, agriculture, energy, aerospace and many others. With 340,000+ patent families available in addition to 1.6 million global scientific papers, artificial intelligence will definitely be a major impact on patent practices. Ensemble IP is the best AI patent search service for companies in this regard.

Ensemble IP specializes in understanding AI and its latent applications since the company searches for the same while using and applying it for its own business as well. The company’s leadership team possesses ample expertise in this field and the AI (artificial intelligence) patent search solution emphasizes greatly on AI applications where patenting activities are intensive, where such activities are of a lighter nature and also where there are non-patent theses and dissertations alike. Other points of focus also include conference proceedings in tandem with AMC digital libraries, IEEE Xplore and other technology based databases. With stringent litigation practices followed in this domain, it will be of great help if customers rely on Ensemble IP which is based in a country where 70% and more of AI based patent litigation originates from.

Key AI techniques include machine learning, unsupervised learning, decision trees, support vector machines, neural networks or deep learning and supervised learning along with fuzzy logic, logic programming, probabilistic reasoning and ontology engineering. Key applications cover everything from computer vision and autonomous vehicles to augmented reality, biometrics, decision trees, video and image segmentation, recognition of characters, tracking objects and understanding scenes. Other control methods are augmented by AI applications like distributed AI, NLP (natural language processing, knowledge representation, robotics, planning and scheduling, predictive analytics and speech processing among others.

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Shrikant Sharma

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Shrikant Sharma
Joined: February 19th, 2018
Articles Posted: 145

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